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You haven't add the configs.

Index: java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java
--- java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java (revision 5)
+++ java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java (working copy)
@@ -223,6 +223,34 @@
    public static int ALT_FISH_CHAMPIONSHIP_REWARD_5;
    // --------------------------------------------------
+   // Events settings
+   // --------------------------------------------------
+   public static boolean TVT_EVENT_ENABLED;
+   public static int TVT_EVENT_INTERVAL;
+   public static int TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_TIME;
+   public static int TVT_EVENT_RUNNING_TIME;
+   public static int TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_ID;
+   public static int TVT_EVENT_MIN_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS;
+   public static int TVT_EVENT_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS;
+   public static String TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_NAME;
+   public static int[] TVT_EVENT_BACK_COORDINATES = new int[3];
+   public static int[] TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_COORDINATES = new int[3];
+   public static String TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_NAME;
+   public static int[] TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_COORDINATES = new int[3];
+   public static List<int[]> TVT_EVENT_REWARDS = new ArrayList<>();
+   public static boolean TVT_EVENT_TARGET_TEAM_MEMBERS_ALLOWED;
+   public static boolean TVT_EVENT_POTIONS_ALLOWED;
+   public static boolean TVT_EVENT_SUMMON_BY_ITEM_ALLOWED;
+   public static List<Integer> TVT_EVENT_DOOR_IDS = new ArrayList<>();
+   public static byte TVT_EVENT_MIN_LVL;
+   public static byte TVT_EVENT_MAX_LVL;
+   public static boolean TVT_EVENT_REMOVE_BUFFS;
+   public static boolean TVT_EVENT_HEAL_PLAYERS;
+   public static boolean TVT_KILLS_REWARD_ENABLED;
+   public static List<int[]> TVT_KILLS_REWARD = new ArrayList<>();
+   // --------------------------------------------------
    // GeoEngine
    // --------------------------------------------------
@@ -843,6 +871,142 @@
            ALT_FISH_CHAMPIONSHIP_REWARD_4 = events.getProperty("AltFishChampionshipReward4", 200000);
            ALT_FISH_CHAMPIONSHIP_REWARD_5 = events.getProperty("AltFishChampionshipReward5", 100000);
+           TVT_EVENT_ENABLED = events.getProperty("TvTEventEnabled", false);
+           TVT_EVENT_INTERVAL = events.getProperty("TvTEventInterval", 18000);
+           TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_TIME = events.getProperty("TvTEventParticipationTime", 3600);
+           TVT_EVENT_RUNNING_TIME = events.getProperty("TvTEventRunningTime", 1800);
+           TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_ID = events.getProperty("TvTEventParticipationNpcId", 0);
+           TVT_EVENT_REMOVE_BUFFS = events.getProperty("TvTEventRemoveBuffs", false);
+           TVT_KILLS_REWARD_ENABLED = events.getProperty("TvTKillsRewardEnable", false);
+           TVT_EVENT_HEAL_PLAYERS = events.getProperty("TvTHealPlayersEnable", false);
+           if (TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_ID == 0)
+           {
+               TVT_EVENT_ENABLED = false;
+               System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventParticipationNpcId");
+           }
+           else
+           {
+               String[] propertySplit = events.getProperty("TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates", "0,0,0").split(",");
+               if (propertySplit.length < 3)
+               {
+                   TVT_EVENT_ENABLED = false;
+                   System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates");
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   TVT_EVENT_BACK_COORDINATES[0] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[0]);
+                   TVT_EVENT_BACK_COORDINATES[1] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[1]);
+                   TVT_EVENT_BACK_COORDINATES[2] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[2]);
+                   TVT_EVENT_MIN_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS = Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams", "1"));
+                   TVT_EVENT_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_TEAMS = Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams", "20"));
+                   TVT_EVENT_MIN_LVL = (byte) Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("TvTEventMinPlayerLevel", "1"));
+                   TVT_EVENT_MAX_LVL = (byte) Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel", "80"));
+                   TVT_EVENT_RESPAWN_TELEPORT_DELAY = Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay", "20"));
+                   TVT_EVENT_START_LEAVE_TELEPORT_DELAY = Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay", "20"));
+                   TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_NAME = events.getProperty("TvTEventTeam1Name", "Team1");
+                   propertySplit = events.getProperty("TvTEventTeam1Coordinates", "0,0,0").split(",");
+                   if (propertySplit.length < 3)
+                   {
+                       TVT_EVENT_ENABLED = false;
+                       System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventTeam1Coordinates");
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                       TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_COORDINATES[0] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[0]);
+                       TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_COORDINATES[1] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[1]);
+                       TVT_EVENT_TEAM_1_COORDINATES[2] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[2]);
+                       TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_NAME = events.getProperty("TvTEventTeam2Name", "Team2");
+                       propertySplit = events.getProperty("TvTEventTeam2Coordinates", "0,0,0").split(",");
+                       if (propertySplit.length < 3)
+                       {
+                           TVT_EVENT_ENABLED = false;
+                           System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventTeam2Coordinates");
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                           TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_COORDINATES[0] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[0]);
+                           TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_COORDINATES[1] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[1]);
+                           TVT_EVENT_TEAM_2_COORDINATES[2] = Integer.parseInt(propertySplit[2]);
+                           propertySplit = events.getProperty("TvTEventReward", "57,100000").split(";");
+                           for (String reward : propertySplit)
+                           {
+                               String[] rewardSplit = reward.split(",");
+                               if (rewardSplit.length != 2)
+                                   System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventReward \"" + reward + "\"");
+                               else
+                               {
+                                   try
+                                   {
+                                       TVT_EVENT_REWARDS.add(new int[]
+                                       {
+                                           Integer.valueOf(rewardSplit[0]),
+                                           Integer.valueOf(rewardSplit[1])
+                                       });
+                                   }
+                                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
+                                   {
+                                       if (!reward.equals(""))
+                                           System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventReward \"" + reward + "\"");
+                                   }
+                               }
+                           }
+                           propertySplit = events.getProperty("TvTKillsReward", "57,100000").split(";");
+                           for (String rewardKills : propertySplit)
+                           {
+                               String[] rewardSplit = rewardKills.split(",");
+                               if (rewardSplit.length != 2)
+                                   System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventReward \"" + rewardKills + "\"");
+                               else
+                               {
+                                   try
+                                   {
+                                       TVT_KILLS_REWARD.add(new int[]
+                                       {
+                                           Integer.valueOf(rewardSplit[0]),
+                                           Integer.valueOf(rewardSplit[1])
+                                       });
+                                   }
+                                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
+                                   {
+                                       if (!rewardKills.equals(""))
+                                           System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventReward \"" + rewardKills + "\"");
+                                   }
+                               }
+                           }
+                           TVT_EVENT_TARGET_TEAM_MEMBERS_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(events.getProperty("TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed", "true"));
+                           TVT_EVENT_POTIONS_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(events.getProperty("TvTEventPotionsAllowed", "false"));
+                           TVT_EVENT_SUMMON_BY_ITEM_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(events.getProperty("TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed", "false"));
+                           propertySplit = events.getProperty("TvTEventDoorsCloseOpenOnStartEnd", "").split(";");
+                           for (String door : propertySplit)
+                           {
+                               try
+                               {
+                                   TVT_EVENT_DOOR_IDS.add(Integer.valueOf(door));
+                               }
+                               catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
+                               {
+                                   if (!door.equals(""))
+                                       System.out.println("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventDoorsCloseOpenOnStartEnd \"" + door + "\"");
+                               }
+                           }
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+           }
            // Geoengine
            ExProperties geoengine = load(GEOENGINE_FILE);
            GEODATA = geoengine.getProperty("GeoData", 0);
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