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[Bug? Tip? :>][L2J] How to kill Valakas/Antharas/Baium much easier HOT


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Moree than an exploit this is like a hint .


1 of all , do u have msn? xD

2 well not just the hero duals have silence skill , also the infinity dagger does , about the song of silence i didnt know that, that skill exist but i know the skill "Dance of Medusa" and "Seal of Silence" those 2 skill arnt fixed either and have more % of landing ^^ ;P

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I think it is an exploit since

This is the hidden content, please


PS.  I dont use any Internet Communicator :] weird guy isn't it? in rare occasions you can get me on Skype :P

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Grr i cant quote the fucking hide xD


Change it to regular hide so i can quote you =P


"Anyway I dont care about names. If indeed it is an tip then I can rename it and mod can move it somewhere else"


Its ok here , just change the tag to [Hint] or [bug] Its more a bug or a hint than an exploit


Any way its nice thats all that matters


"PS.  I dont use any Internet Communicator :] weird guy isn't it? in rare occasions you can get me on Skype"


H o l y  s h 1 t O.o The goverment is after u ?;P jaja

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[offtopic] It is going to be off topic between you and me xDDDDDD

Two servers ago server where I was playing was closed by FBI ... :>  [/offtopic]


One server wanted to go to law because I crashed their L2J Server, lulz.

Anyway, I will try this on Interlude L2J. Thanks uncle Blitz.

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@Blitztrager: first of all thx for the bug.

second: it is a bug because of the meaning of "exploit". I took the explanation from wikipedia because i was lazy to write it myself :P

An exploit (from the same word in the French language, meaning "achievement", or "accomplishment") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that take advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic (usually computerized). This frequently includes such things as violently gaining control of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or a denial of service attack.


Hope you understand now why it's not an exploit.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey uncle, I tried this yesterday on L2J Interlude.


I tried both the dagger and the duals on Baium, nothing happened. And I've been hitting pretty long time, with 2 UDs + Hero UD so I've been hitting the RB for like 3 mins. But nothing happened and Baium just owned me ^^ Anyway I think it works anywhere else fa sho. Thanks again for your share.



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I know what u are talking about and yes,it works u can sielence Rbs so u can avoid big damage hits.Works only on interlude in our server we used to bring at least 2 guys with hero duals to those raid bosses(prefer fighter) and the rest of the ppl kill it.

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