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interlude [L2j] FantasyWar


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FantasyWar - Lineage2 Interlude Mid rate Craft/PVP server
LIVE 2017-09-15 10:00PM GMT+3

New EVENT - "Grail Race"! Invite friends, create team, participate and win the 100Eur reward!

All information about the Event: http://www.fantasywar.eu/event

Register team there: http://forum.fantasywar.eu/forum/12-register-team/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FantasyWarLineage

Exp: 50x
Sp: 50x
Drop/Spoil: 10x
Adena: 10x
Safe Enchant: +3
Maximum Enchant: +21
Enchant Chance: 75%
No custom

Main and The Only Village - Talking Island
Shop till C grade. B,A,S grade from crafting
Unique Crafting System
Reworked Drop/Spoil System
Reworked Soul Crystals Stage Up System
New Materials (Red, Grey and Yellow Essences)
New Reward Items (Reward Pouches and Treasure Chests)
Nobless Without Quest (Need to Kill Barakiel or Buy for Event Glittering Medals)

Edited by Kingstonas
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thank you for the reply. "Reworked Drop/Spoil" means that our team reworked whole drop/spoil for all monsters in the game. It's because our server's system, balance and comfort (there are no garbage items and all materials are valuable).

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Hi again,
I did expect that, but more precisely I was asking what would be rate for spoil, chance and drop, cause now I dont know it, u didnt post it

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Hello again,

thank you for asking. All server information you can find there:


Additionally, server's gameplay information you can find there:


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Good idea for server with 30-40 online players. All players can be in one place..

But what will happens if the whole system handle100+ players? 

Where solo players or clans can farm? There are only 2 areas in game with some mobs. TOI/Elven ruins. With 10 players on each area are enough to pk other players because the place will be full. And then? There isn't any place to farm.

And a last thing.. Why your gk change? Non-Nobles players where they will farm if the only option of gk is for talking island level up zone? How we will exp for more than70 level? (Your mobs are 66 level).

Keep the custom gk and only.. 

Unstable idea...

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    • This is my first and last topic created on a Lineage Forum, because if there's one thing that causes headaches for a lot of people, it's the critical error, that's why I decided to share it...   I'm creating a server again and before starting configurations I started collecting dozens of customs, without realizing my system folder had 950MB of files, so I started to enter the game, every 1 to 2 hours my client was reaching the maximum limit of virtual memory of the game due to the absurd amount of customs inside the system folder, reaching the maximum limit of 2047MB virtual ram, automatically we get critical, regardless of the error that appears on your screen, "THE WORDS ARE IRRELEVANT, unless it is a critical error before the ram memory limit reaches its limit", if you are seeing "2047 MB", it means that the game's virtual memory has reached its limit, and this memory is not configurable due to the game being created on 32-bit architecture, so I significantly reduced the amount of customs within the system from 950MB to 625MB, so my client started to reach the maximum memory limit every 10 to 12h, a huge progress, but my goal was at least 24h before reaching the virtual memory limit (playing frantically), so I reduced the system's custom files from 625MB to 267MB, the result was a first virtual memory limit critical error appearing after 41h.   My client is H5, the only types of customs I added to the game were focused only on equipment, one of the main causes were these skins and cloaks, they consume a huge amount of MB's within the "system", the problem is not adding customs to the client, the problem is adapting a custom and adding it inside the system folder, the system folder was not created with the intention of storing a huge amount of files.   Adding customs to the system folder means significantly reducing the time your client can remain open before reaching the virtual ram limit and make no mistake, there are hundreds of different critical errors with a small summary of the cause of the error, but if the critical table shows 2047MB of RAM, the problem is only 1. Example: I can see 3, 5, 9 critical error with different messages, but if this table is showing 2047MB ram, the reason was the virtual memory limit, an important detail is that this 2047MB ram is not a "fixed message or information from your computer", this 2047MB only appear when the cause is the virtual ram limit, it means that when you get a critical error with random numbers of ram memory appearing, such as 358MB ram, 715MB ram, it means that the cause of this error has no connection with ram virtual memory.
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