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Hello. I added some additional loot into Treasure Chests....


a example looks like this:

<npc id="21822" level="80" type="L2Chest" name="Treasure Chest">
        <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 -->
        <acquire expRate="1.323" sp="996" />
        <stats str="40" int="21" dex="30" wit="20" con="43" men="20">
            <vitals hp="3137.4936216" hpRegen="8.84" mp="1884.48" mpRegen="3.12" />
            <attack physical="1005.2800576" magical="713.935000064" random="50" critical="1" accuracy="17" attackSpeed="253" type="BLUNT" range="40" distance="80" width="120" />
            <defence physical="372.1819192" magical="247.802921663855" evasion="4" />
                <defence fire="20" water="20" wind="20" earth="20" holy="20" dark="20" />
                <walk ground="80" />
                <run ground="165" />
        <status undying="false" />
            <skill id="4045" level="1" /> <!--Resist Full Magic Attack -->
            <skill id="4408" level="1" /> <!--HP Increase (1x) -->
            <skill id="4409" level="1" /> <!--MP Increase (1x) -->
            <skill id="4410" level="11" /> <!--Average P. Atk. -->
            <skill id="4411" level="11" /> <!--Average M. Atk. -->
            <skill id="4412" level="11" /> <!--Average P. Def. -->
            <skill id="4413" level="11" /> <!--Average M. Def. -->
            <skill id="4414" level="2" /> <!--Standard Type -->
            <skill id="4415" level="5" /> <!--Blunt Weapons -->
            <skill id="4416" level="2" /> <!--Magic Creatures -->
            <skill id="4789" level="8" /> <!--NPC High Level -->
        <ai aggroRange="300" clanHelpRange="300" isAggressive="false" />
                <group chance="70">
                    <item id="57" min="1200" max="2449" chance="100" /> <!-- Adena -->
                <group chance="0.6787999868392944">
                    <item id="12268" min="1" max="1" chance="5.7237" /> <!-- Common Item - Sealed Shield of Nightmare -->
                    <item id="5495" min="1" max="1" chance="33.5054" /> <!-- Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment -->
                    <item id="12269" min="1" max="1" chance="4.0045" /> <!-- Common Item - Sealed Helm of Nightmare -->
                    <item id="5527" min="1" max="1" chance="26.3809" /> <!-- Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design -->
                    <item id="12261" min="1" max="1" chance="4.0045" /> <!-- Common Item - Sealed Majestic Circlet -->
                    <item id="5528" min="1" max="1" chance="26.381" /> <!-- Sealed Majestic Circlet Design -->
                <group chance="4.119699954986572">
                    <item id="1895" min="1" max="1" chance="77.9066" /> <!-- Metallic Fiber -->
                    <item id="4040" min="1" max="1" chance="5.4535" /> <!-- Mold Lubricant -->
                    <item id="4042" min="1" max="1" chance="4.5446" /> <!-- Enria -->
                    <item id="4043" min="1" max="1" chance="9.0891" /> <!-- Asofe -->
                    <item id="960" min="1" max="1" chance="0.1091" /> <!-- Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) -->
                    <item id="8732" min="1" max="1" chance="2.2723" /> <!-- Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                    <item id="8742" min="1" max="1" chance="0.5681" /> <!-- Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                    <item id="8752" min="1" max="1" chance="0.0567" /> <!-- High-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                    <item id="8762" min="1" max="1" chance="0.0567" /> <!-- Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                <group chance="10.8167999982833862">
                    <item id="8732" min="1" max="1" chance="0.2002" /> <!-- Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                    <item id="8742" min="1" max="1" chance="0.05" /> <!-- Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                    <item id="8752" min="1" max="1" chance="0.005" /> <!-- High-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                    <item id="8762" min="1" max="1" chance="0.005" /> <!-- Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 -->
                <group chance="9.8167999982833862">
                    <item id="9573" min="1" max="1" chance="0.2002" /> <!-- Life Stone - Level 80 -->
                    <item id="9574" min="1" max="1" chance="0.05" /> <!-- Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 -->
                    <item id="9575" min="1" max="1" chance="0.005" /> <!-- High-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 -->
                    <item id="9576" min="1" max="1" chance="0.005" /> <!-- Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 -->
                    <group chance="5.8167999982833862">
                    <item id="9546" min="1" max="1" chance="10" /> <!-- Fire Stone -->
                    <item id="9547" min="1" max="1" chance="10" /> <!-- Water Stone -->
                    <item id="9548" min="1" max="1" chance="10" /> <!-- Earth Stone -->
                    <item id="9549" min="1" max="1" chance="10" /> <!-- Wind Stone -->
                    <item id="9550" min="1" max="1" chance="10" /> <!-- Dark Stone -->
                    <item id="9551" min="1" max="1" chance="10" /> <!-- Holy Stone -->
            <group chance="90.76509952545166"><item id="736" min="1" max="1" chance="90.3692" /> <!-- SOE --><item id="737" min="1" max="1" chance="89.3692" /> <!-- SOR --></group><group chance="70.76509952545166"><item id="5593" min="1" max="1" chance="95.3692" /> <!-- low grade sp scroll --> <item id="5594" min="1" max="1" chance="50.3692" /> <!-- medium grade sp scroll --> <item id="5595" min="1" max="1" chance="5.3692" /> <!-- highe grade sp scroll --></group><group chance="15.76509952545166"><item id="960" min="1" max="1" chance="95.3692" /> <!-- EAS --><item id="959" min="1" max="1" chance="10.3692" /> <!-- EWS --></group></death><corpse>
                <item id="6688" min="1" max="1" chance="0.5261" /> <!-- Forgotten Blade Edge -->
                <item id="6689" min="1" max="1" chance="0.5162" /> <!-- Basalt Battlehammer Head -->
                <item id="6690" min="1" max="1" chance="0.5271" /> <!-- Imperial Staff Head -->
            <radius normal="8.5" />
            <height normal="8.5" />

     -First 2 groups of droplist are working pretty fine, because they were default ones....


     -I added those under second group.... It works fine, but not how i want it to work..... It should drop the loot ONLY when you OPEN the chest with maestro's key.


     -But the PROBLEM is that it drops also when you just KILL the chest.


     -I want to make it that it doesn't drop the loot by only killing it. I want to get this loot only by OPENING the chest with the key.



Any ideas ? 

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