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[En] Designing & Developing A Web-Application.


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Well, i am planning to develop and design a web app this year. I will start the design after my exam period, probably last days of September. I have a basic plan in how to start designing and such but since i want to do it as good and as efficient as possible i would like to get some more opinions. So the questions that im being in secure are the following:




-Is a RESTful API enough to handle all back-end stuff?

-I would like to develop the REST services in java, is that a thing?

-What would u choose between Spring and Jersey?




-What language would you use in order to send the HTTP requests to the RESTful API? I am thinking that JavaScript would be enough.



I know that all these are variables depending on what things the Web-App is going to do. In order to explain it as easy as i can, it's something like Instagram, with of-course less functions and features.


All advises are welcome of course. I will design the UI/UX in paper then start designing the website and in the same time the back-end, and in the end i will develop an Android application.


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Thanks for the advises @Elfocrash


I guess Tomcat would be enough as an Apache server, right?


P.S: I am looking into these frameworks you mentioned already.

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Thanks for the advises @Elfocrash


I guess Tomcat would be enough as an Apache server, right?


P.S: I am looking into these frameworks you mentioned already.

Spring boot is being backed by tomcat so yeah

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