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So Let's go for the IRC guide Cheesy


:>> First of all IRC configurations


-> You must use an IRC client for that, so let's go download a free one like mIRC or any other different.


-> Then you must connect on a free IRC server and without many secure system (some of them have secure who don't permit to use that feature), you can use this server like me or like L2JFree ^^ => irc.deltaanime.net or any other ...


-> after be connected on the server, you must create your channel.

so to create it, you just need to join it and if it's not yet created, you will create it Smiley = join #yourchanname (if the channel is already registered or used, you must use another chan name or simply change to another irc server)


-> then after created you must register yourself as user with the server to be able just after to register the channel with the server

you can use that =

/msg nickserv register password e-mail


(be carefull it will register the nickname you are actually using)


-> now you can register your chan with the server Smiley

use that =

/msg chanserv register #yourchanname chanpassword description


(the server will link your useraccount IRC to the channel then you will be the fondator of the chan and will have all right on the chan)


That's ok with the configuration of IRC so let's go configure your GameServer Smiley


:>> Second configuration of L2JFree


/gameserver/config/ = irc.properties



# IRC Client Settings


# IRC BOT Functions

# !online - displays online player count

# !gmlist - displays the gmlist

# soon more Smiley


# Enable the Client

Enable = True <= actif or disactive the IRC feature


# Log all irc traffic

LogChat = False


# Server hostname/ip

Server = irc.deltaanime.net <= your IRC server is ip or hostname


# Server Port

Port = 6667 <= the port used by your IRC server


# Use SSL

SSL = False <= to use a securised connection or no, depend your IRC server


# Password

Password = <= the password to connect on your IRC server (not needed much time)


# Nickname

Nick = MyServerIRCbot <= nickname who will use the gameserver's IRC bot


# User

User = l2jfree <= username who will use the gameserver's IRC bot to logon


# Name

Name = l2jfree <= nickname who will use the gameserver's IRC bot to logon


# Nickserv Support <= those options are necessary if you want register a name for the gameserver's IRC bot

Nickserv = False

NickservName = nickserv

NickservCommand = password


# Optional Login Command <= command used at logon by the GameServer's IRC bot, can permit to identify the bot like in the exemple, if you have registered him

# example : LoginCommand : nickserv identify YourBotPassword

LoginCommand =


# Channel

Channel = #yourchan <= the name of your channel (you must keep the #)


# Post Announces in IRC (if disabled shutdown messages will still appear as normal infos)

IrcAnnounces = True <= to show all annoucements on your chan IRC


# I recommend you only use a global chat to display in irc and the same chat type vice versa

# otherwise you could confuse players


# What Ingame Chat get posted in IRC

# shout - post shouts

# trade - post trade chat

# hero - post hero chat

# off - default option, posting disabled

GameToIrcType = trade


# What IRC Chat get posted InGame

# global - everything spoken in channel gets displayed ingame

# special - every sentence that starts with IrcToGameSpecialChar gets displayed ingame

# off - default option, posting disabled

IrcToGameType = global <= if you wan show all the IRC discutions ingame (they will be showed in the IrcToGameDisplay

IrcToGameSpecialChar = # <= doesn't matter when you use "global"


# How the ingame irc chat gets displayed

# trade - irc messages appears in tradechan (default)

# shout - irc messages get shouted

# hero  - irc message appears in hero chat

IrcToGameDisplay = trade



:>> Test ingame


Then simply launch your GameServer Smiley


At the end of the batch, you must see


INFO IRC: Connected


so at the same moment you will see enter on your chan IRC the Bot MyServerIRCbot


and with that settings, each time you will write something on IRC it will appair on the trade chan of your GameServer like that =>

+[iRC]yournickIRC : blabla


and all words writed ingame will appair in the chan IRC thx of the bot like that =>

<MyServerIRCbot> +nicknameplayer: blabla



Credits to: WolwX (L2JFree)


Could you share a link for irc client download?that would come in handy.

Can not give thanks yet till i get it to work :P ;D


same here ;P


Btw wtf is that u have has sig? "L2 Prison Developing status : 3%" O.o


same here ;P


Btw wtf is that u have has sig? "L2 Prison Developing status : 3%" O.o

I am on a server project :P xD are you so interested??O.o btw looking for someone that is good with utx/ukx :P for my team xD.Currently downloading dreamwaver O.o><

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