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Funding A Chronicle : C4 - 5X


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Would you play on a server with the following features ?


1. Chronicle: C4 (server/files will be set up and hosted by AccessDenied)
2. Rate 3-5x.
3. Antibot system.
4. Ddoss protection.
5. Default slot buffs.
6. 1 box allowed.
8. Daily event system.
9. Auto loot.
10. Class change with adena.
11. No elixirs.
12. No premium runes. (exp/spoil/drop/adena)
13. No herbs.
14. No npc shops/custom buffers.
15. No mana potions.




I am thinking to fund one.

Edited by eLeSlash
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Would you play on a server with the following features ?


1. Chronicle: C4

2. Rate 3-5x.

3. Antibot system.

4. Ddoss protection.

5. Default slot buffs.

6. 1 box allowed.

8. Daily event system.

9. Auto loot.

10. No elixirs.

11. No premium runes. (exp/spoil/drop/adena)

12. No herbs.

13. No npc shops/custom buffers.

14. No mana potions.

15. No donation system.



I am thinking to fund one.


As i mentionted before, c4 a long term server and nicely for low rate, ignore people who will say "low rate are dead". They just want x5000 servers that last 1 week. Longest servers are c4 and mid rate. Ex. L2Elite with 3k population and open since 2004 with no wipe. 


Mana potions could be reward from Rb's Ex. 100 Mana pot from Ketra RB (it's a nice deal)

1 Event at 18:00 everyday could be nice maybe capture the hill or similar just to give a different feeling.

Donation could exist but keep it low like 15 euro for level up or 10 euro for an accessory or 10 euro for 100 mana potions e.t.c Won't ruin server and make u some money to pay the deicated.

Rate x5-x10 better (x3 is too low)  


Ps. a nice even could be the following: Every 3-5 randoms a Mighty monster appear in a random city and announcements say "Blabla is attacking the town!" and it start killing people, if people kill it within 1 hour they get rewards. Something like this could make a touch.

Edited by AccessDenied
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