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I Want To Say 1st That The Server Isn't Mine Or Someone's I Know .. So Please Don't Post Such That Things : "....... must be fixed" and "when you will put customs??" !!!


I Don't Why The Server Have 0 People ( It Is On Hopzone ) !! This Server Really Deserves Being Played As I Tested ALONE !!


Features :


Clan WebSite Hosting:


    * You are able to host your clan website in our server. Contact with Administrators.


No Subclass:


    * We prevent smart boys using stucked skills exploits.

    * You will play your favourite class and you will really enjoy it.



Unique GateKeeper System:


    * Teleportation to all Castle Towns / Villages

    * Hunting grounds and PvP areas depending on your level

    * Special places only Noble and Hero.


Armors / Weapons:


    * Shop till B grade is only available.

    * A/S Grade equipment will get droped from monsters

    * A/S Grade Enchant Scrolls will be also droped from Monsters

    * You can buy A/S Grade Equipment from our Special Shop using Glittering Medals that you will can obtain from Monsters, Champion Monsters and Events.


Hero Coin:


    * A Special Coin (Gold Knight Coin) can make give you hero status for 1 Sesson (till next restart)

    * You can obtain the coin  from monsters (0,1% drop chance) or by Event.


Auto TvT Event:


    * Automatic TvT Event every 2 hours, joinable in Giran

    * Reward: Glittering Medals


Common Starting Area:


    * We acknowledge the need of clan for gaining reputation points so we have made a common spawn area for all Races. This way clan Leaders will be able to invite newbies in Academy in order to gain Reputation.


Special Clan Halls:


    * All Fortresses are Special Clan Halls in our Server. Clans will be able to obtain them by donation or by Events.

    * Special Clan Halls have NPCs to make your life easier: Wyvern Manager, Mammons, Buffer (only Prophet main Buffs), Gatekeeper (Only in Towns), Fortress Shop and Warehouse with all features.


Nobless Quest:


    * In order players to be able to become Noble we have edited the Fate's Whisper Quest. So what you have to do is kill the needed Raid Bosses (Respawn time is 5 minutes) and when you finishQuest you will also obtain last Caradines Letter. Go to Caradine and you will be teleported to Lady of The Lake to become Noble.




    * Class Based Games have been removed to prevent feeding.

    * When you are teleporting in olympiad stadium you will have full health in order to prevent some classes to use special skills that require low HP.


How Do I Connect???


In order to connect to our server you have to:


Find Interlude Client :

1. Google

2: http://www.gamershell.com


1st Way:


    * Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\

    * Find and edit the hosts file. (open with notepad)

    * Under " localhost" add:

  l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com


    * Save the changes and exit



2nd Way:


    * Download our Patched system folder from -----------> http://www.4shared.com/file/61738125/ed6d1efb/system.html

    * or download from mirror -----------> http://rapidshare.com/files/142631475/system.rar.html




    * In order to play in our server you need to make an account -------> http://l2excelsior.net/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=88

    * Confirm your account from the email that you will recieve from us.

    * Open Lineage II from the system folder and run the L2.exe. (i.e. C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system\)


Warning. Do NOT run client from LineageII.exe else your client will be updated to Gracia Part 1 !!!


Our Knowledge :


    * Our Experience show us how to run a good server.

    * Our Experience show us what the players need.

    * Our players show us what a player wants.

    * Our Hosting Company is the best in Europe.

    * We only have one problem, we don't like those who don't follow the rules .


The Rules :


1. Staff Members


          o Disrespectful attitude towards any of the Staff Members is forbidden.


    Punishment: Jail ranging from a 1st 30 minutes up to 5 hours and ban in extreme cases


    * Any threats made to a Staff Member are forbidden;


    Punishment: Account deletion and IP ban in extreme cases


    * You must stop any hostile actions against other players when a GM appears near you, especially if your hostility is aimed at the person(s) who called the GM;


    Punishment: Jail ranging from a kick and 1 day ban in extreme cases


                      # It is forbidden to lie to Staff Members;


    Punishment: Ban ranging from 1 day to 1 week.


Staff members means all Administrators (Admins) and Game Masters (GMs/EGMs/HGMs).

These rules apply anywhere, including in the game and on the forums.



2. 3rd party software


    The following programs are forbidden:


    * any 3rd party software used to increase the speed of the application;

    * any 3rd party software (also known as bots and clickers) used for automation of anything in the game, such as killing monsters, auto-targeting monsters, healing, buffing etc;


    Punishment: Account deletion and IP ban


    * Using someone else's account, even with permission is forbidden;


    Punishment: NO GM ASSISTANCE, this includes cases of account theft, technical problems or any other information you'd want to know.



3. Bugs and exploits


    * It is forbidden to use any kind exploits;


    Punishment: Ban ranging from a 1 hour jail to 1 week ban in extreme cases.


    * If you find a bug you must immediately contact us with as much information as possible, either on the designated forum, by e-mail or by private message on the forums towards the Staff Members;

    * If you find an exploit you must immediately contact us with as much information as possible, either by e-mail or by private message on the forum towards the Staff members;

    * It is forbidden to publicly speak about an exploit;


    Punishment:Ban ranging from 1 day to permanent and IP ban in extreme cases


Bug - Application error which might prevent some feature to function or make it function in a way it was not intended.

Exploit - A bug that can be used to gain an advantage, such as blocked monsters, item duplication, skill abusation, particular areas that are bugged, etc.



4. Chatting and names


    * It is forbidden to use bad words (swear), in any form (abbreviated, symbols, full text);


    Punishment: Chat ban for 1-3 days, or account ban ranging to 1 week in extreme cases.


    * It is forbidden to insult other players - rasism, chauvinism, ethnocentrism, any other form of disrespect towards a player is not welcome here;


    Punishment: Same as before


    * It is forbidden to use bad words, in any form in character names, clan names or titles;


    Punishment: Character ban.


    * It is forbidden to use any of the following words in character names: GM, Admin and the names of the current and previous Staff Members;


    Punishment: Character ban.


    * It is forbidden to beg for adena or items;


    Punishment: Chat ban for 1 day


    * It is forbidden to use real-life threats (i.e. threaten someone to harm them IRL). Remember, this is a game;


    Punishment: Ban ranging from 3 days to one month and account deletion in extreme cases



5. Trading


    * It is forbidden to start a shop near a NPC, especially Gate Keepers and Warehouse Managers such as Taurin in Giran;


    Punishment: Shop ban from 1 to 3 days


    * It is forbidden to trick someone else and steal their items and/or adena (also called scamming);


    Punishment: Ban for 1 month to permanent, if it is an account only made for scamming, if not ban for 3 days to permanent.


    * It is forbidden to make any transactions with real money;


    Punishment: Account deletion, IP ban and notification of the Police (WARNING: You might get a criminal record!)


    * It is forbidden to give away or sell your account, even for adena;


    Punishment: Account deletion, IP ban and if real money were involved, a notification to the Police, no future gm & admin service




6. Griefing


    * It is forbidden to PK in low level areas with a high level character (eg. Execution Ground, Ruins of Despair, any low-level area with monsters of lvl 56 or lower, if player's level is 52 or lower);


    Punishment: Jail ranging from 10 hours to 3 days ban.


    * PK in other situations is allowed

    * KS is allowed


PK - Player Killing, killing other player's characters.

KS - Kill Stealing, stealing the monster someone else started attacking, when you are not in the same party.



7. Events


    * It is forbidden to enter an event zone (usually an arena) unless the event organizer invites you;


    Punishment: Ranging from kick to 3 days ban and possible restriction to ever participating at any other event


    * Any unwanted intervention at an event is forbidden;


    Punishment: Ranging from kick to 3 days ban and possible restriction to ever participating at any other event


Forum :http://forums.l2excelsior.net

Machine :


    * Cpu : Athlon XP x2 6000+

    * Ram : 8GB DDR2 667Mhz

    * 2 x 750GB HDD on SCSI Raid Controller

    * Connection 1000 Mbps


Updates :





Rates have been changed. New rates are:


    * XP: x666

    * SP: x666

    * Adena: x1000

    * Drop: x4



NPC Buffer will be added soon




A new feature is available.


You can now make a website for your clan and we'll upload it in our web server.

we can provide you mysql database in case you need it in order your website work to proper.


Your clan website will be viewable in this link :



In this link all clan webpages will be listed:



So if you have a website for your clan and you need a hosting place, here it is.

It's find for you to show your creativity.


Who's gonna read all this ?? {Have you copied every single text you found on website ? ^.^}

For your own good,write a short description of this server..


I must agree with tugo1 here.

Write a shorter text because my opinion

is that other members will get bored reading

all these features.Shorter version would be better

with all basic information about the server.



Customs or not



thats what this thread should contain.

Best regards



  • 2 weeks later...

Ah! At my opinion this server is so...Hard to be pro or imba char... :( because you say that available ( no-grade, D grade C grade And B grade) A grade ans S grade only drop from mobs ... :( and also you say that enchants For S grades only from Mobs... so i thing its hard and need to spend a lot of hours to become Pr0! :D  But nevermind... I will Try it to Have A Change :P

  • 4 weeks later...

Ah! At my opinion this server is so...Hard to be pro or imba char... :( because you say that available ( no-grade, D grade C grade And B grade) A grade ans S grade only drop from mobs ... :( and also you say that enchants For S grades only from Mobs... so i thing its hard and need to spend a lot of hours to become Pr0! :D  But nevermind... I will Try it to Have A Change :P

HaHa...This Is A Server That You Must Play It At Least 3 hours A Day o Be Good

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