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Welcome Back To L2Top.co - Advertise Your Server - New System, New Design, Vote Reward And Much More!


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Hi guys,


As you know, our friend Crane sold his top list website for us!

We did for this last days a hard work to make our website more friendly and easy to use:


New Design (with dark colors, we believe that is better for players).

Clean up over old severs and rework at "online test system" with that will remove automatically the server with getting more than 7 days off line!

Reworking of core modules, voting system and other core systems.

Free SMF forum system removed. Now it is working with XenForo totally integrated with our website. Only 1 account for all: (Register servers, Ads and Forum).

Lots of other things with that you can see by visiting our website ► http://l2top.co


We are still working in a lot of other things like SEO (Titles and descriptions are not working at this time, will today or maybe tomorrow).

If you find some bugs, please help us by clicking over contact button in our website.


At this time we are working with very low prices of advertisements! (In the next days advertisements will be available over our forum).


(Please, note that is not 100% fully working and that's why we are still working).


Any type of help or suggestions will be welcome and if its fully helpful will be rewarded with premium account or days of ads!


At this time we are not working with online help like (Skype) or any other type of chats because we still very busy with the jobs of our new website, but we will have a new chat support system in the next days!


We hope that you enjoy our new website and system!



Thank you for your time and attention! Thank you maxcheaters forum to provide these type of services for us!

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We are pleased to announce that we have completed the website missing codes!


Now our website shows every server with SEO options.

Server page title = Your server name + your server chronicle + rates.

Server page description = Your first 170 characters from what you filled in your server description.

The same way works over our voting code pages.

All other pages of our website now is following every SEO rules.


Other features:

Now it is possible you to insert a youtube video about your server inside your server info!




For the next 10 days, we are working with 50% off for our ad banners.

To create an ad, you should fill your ad and wait for an administrator to approve it.

When it is approved, you gonna receive an Invoice.


Use the promo code: OFF50 to get 50% off in your invoice!




We hope you enjoy that new things!


Thank you!

Edited by L2Top
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