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at first excuse my bad english sometimes please :)

So i'm looking for Developer, Player and Serverowner to participate in a tech-demo test for my small project L2Headquarter.

What is L2HQ?

L2HQ is a project i'm working on what provides a huge amount of Data shared by participating Servers and is a Network for L2 Player and Servers.
It's for Players and Serverowner. The project's focus is, to be a huge database for all Servers and Players.
So what can u imagine? L2HQ synchronizes specific serverdata like Clans, Players and things like this.
Let's imagine your friend is playing on L2A, and you are playing on L2B - It's no problem to check his stats out with L2HQ or even compare them.

Right now, you can only search:
Servers (Displays serverdata and statistics)

Player (Displays playerdata and statistics)
Clans (Displays clandata and statistics)

Heroes (Lists Heroes u're searching for)


Specific and Global searches

We're using a Filter to handle requests. So you're looking for a player named "Test1234" on all listed servers?
Np, "player:Test1234" would take a look at all server entrys, and list all players named Test1234.
If you're searching things at a specific server, you just could query "player:Test1234@TestServer"


How does L2HQ work?

Well, we can't force someone to give us his data and we don't want to.
So whoever wants to participate in the Project (as Serverowner) can just create his account, and Setup his SyncSuite.

The SyncSuite is made for Serverowner and their server, to Sync their Databases with us.
The Serverowner downloads our L2HQ API (.php script, works pretty well) and places it in his Webserver (with a connection to his database).
The L2HQ API has a settings data so u can freely setup the API.
Our Settingsdata yet has settings for:
DB Connection data (User, Pass, Server, DB)

Login (This feature will setup a Login to the API, so no one without the logindata can request any data there (Your logindata has to be adjusted in your SyncSuite too, else our Sync systems can't login))

Single IP Access (This is the Whitelist more or less. so if Single IP access =, EVERYONE will be able to connect to the api (login still works then) but when its not, only the given IP address is able to connect to this API) - Our Servers are no exception in any way, so keep careful with this setting.

Well enough about the Serverowners site. When everything is done and the setup works, our Server will sync the data every X Hour and prepare the statistics.

We download and store this Data - Why?

When our system syncs the Data, it first requests your API, and saves it.
At this moment, our system doesn't need your server anymore because we sync out of .json data to avoid high traffic for the serverowner.
Why do WE store data like players or clans? - Its simple, because we don't know how much traffic we will have. We can't even imagine if it will be 10 Clicks in a Month or 10000 in a Hour. We don't know.
But imagine the Project would have high traffic. So do you really want your server to be under such a traffic only for providing data?
We don't sync things like passwords, and not even account names are stored in our Databases.


I'm a Serverowner, but why should i participate?

Well to be honest, i can't give the ServerOWNER a better reason than the players.
As Serverowner you'll have your own statistics generated by our server and you can promote your servers and events there because there is a Community feature coming aswell.

The player will profit even more of this system. - Why? There are many situations in my L2career where i wished "goddamnthisfuck what are his stats and who defuk has this castle" or things like this, and L2HQ provides all of this relevant informations.

And players will have their possibility to share their experiences on listed servers. (Imagine a weak version of Facebook which is made ONLY for L2 and the community without private data like names or sth. similar, the only thing that counts is your ingame presence or your L2HQ Account)


Upcoming community?

Don't imagine this upcoming community feature as Forum. There are tons of Forums for l2 and i'm really tired of it.
The Community will be like more like a Community feed, so everyone can see every feed of everyone with a L2HQ account.
In this feeds you'd be able to share ingame experiences, ask questions or whatever you want to.
Well in my opinion, the best moments were sieges and grandbosses. - When i finally took my godfuck Aden or dropped my Grandboss EQ after 230420 runs, everyone must see this. everyfuckingone (ᕗ ಠ益ರೃ)ᕗ




Well but things like Community and Network preferences are things i just had in my mind for the future. For now we focus in Systems to offer a bugfree experience with L2HQ.
It's not a public beta finished yet, so we're looking for ppl that are interested to test and improve the project.

I'd appreciate it to get your suggestions and help if you want to.
I hope you did not fall asleep reading, and excuse my english again please c:

Just contact me here as PM and i'll answer asap :)

Well, Good morning Sir's.



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