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[help] Subclass Java




i want to compile subclass...

What should i write in L2Villagemasterinstance.java

where is Subclass changing configs,

that you can change subclasss only every 15s?

7 answers to this question

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i want to compile subclass...

What should i write in L2Villagemasterinstance.java

where is Subclass changing configs,

that you can change subclasss only every 15s?

well this changet :), use flood protection now!



well go /gameserver/util/FloodProtector.java


this is ur code,or smthink like this! a part of code!

// protected actions
public static final int PROTECTED_USEITEM = 0;
public static final int PROTECTED_ROLLDICE = 1;
public static final int PROTECTED_FIREWORK = 2;
public static final int PROTECTED_ITEMPETSUMMON = 3;
public static final int PROTECTED_HEROVOICE = 4;
public static final int PROTECTED_DROPITEM = 6;



	public static final int PROTECTED_SUBCLASS = 5;



2nd STEP


go /gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2VillageMasterInstance.java


in imports add this

import com.l2jfree.gameserver.util.FloodProtector;


And Before This

                                     content.append("Change Subclass:<br>Your active sub class is now a <font color=\"LEVEL\">" 


Add This


                                      * DrHouse: Despite this is not 100% retail like, it is here to avoid some exploits during subclass changes, specially 
                                      * on small servers. TODO: On retail, each village master doesn't offer any subclass that is not given by itself so player 
                                     * always has to move to other location to change subclass after changing previously. Thanks Aikimaniac for this info. 
                                     if (!FloodProtector.getInstance().tryPerformAction(player.getObjectId(), FloodProtector.PROTECTED_SUBCLASS)) 
                                            _log.warn("Player "+player.getName()+" has performed a subclass change too fast"); 


ps: code dont checked from me, i dont know if it work 100% well for help go







  • 0


its working :),

and maybe u know how to write a message from npc, if he

get flooded by player (talking about villagemasters)

that they can change sub only after 10s ?

  • 0


its working :),

and maybe u know how to write a message from npc, if he

get flooded by player (talking about villagemasters)

that they can change sub only after 10s ?


ya im know :) :D but i dont know where to put it....in wich part of code anywayi will check it!


that they can change sub only after 10s ?

nop now.....delay is for 2 second! w8 a little maby they fx it,smthink like chat flood protection add Properties to can from config to chose a time!


smthink like this

# Time limit between using Global Chat in 100ms
GlobalChatTime = 1


well a little Update!



* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javolution.util.FastMap;
import javolution.util.FastMap.Entry;
import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameTimeController;

* Flood protector
* @author durgus
public class FloodProtector
private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(FloodProtector.class.getName());

private static FloodProtector _instance;

public static final FloodProtector getInstance()
	if (_instance == null)
		_instance = new FloodProtector();
	return _instance;

// =========================================================
// Data Field
private FastMap<Integer, Integer[]> _floodClient;

// =========================================================

// reuse delays for protected actions (in game ticks 1 tick = 100ms)
private static final int[] REUSEDELAY = new int[]
	4, 42, 42, 16, 100, 10, 20

// protected actions
public static final int PROTECTED_USEITEM = 0;
public static final int PROTECTED_ROLLDICE = 1;
public static final int PROTECTED_FIREWORK = 2;
public static final int PROTECTED_ITEMPETSUMMON = 3;
public static final int PROTECTED_HEROVOICE = 4;
public static final int PROTECTED_MULTISELL = 5;
public static final int PROTECTED_SUBCLASS = 6;

// =========================================================
// Constructor
private FloodProtector()
	_log.info("Initializing FloodProtector");
	_floodClient = new FastMap<Integer, Integer[]>(Config.FLOODPROTECTOR_INITIALSIZE).setShared(true);

 * Add a new player to the flood protector (should be done for all players
 * when they enter the world)
 * @param playerObjId
public void registerNewPlayer(int playerObjId)
	// create a new array
	Integer[] array = new Integer[REUSEDELAY.length];
	for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
		array[i] = 0;

	// register the player with an empty array
	_floodClient.put(playerObjId, array);

 * Remove a player from the flood protector (should be done if player loggs
 * off)
 * @param playerObjId
public void removePlayer(int playerObjId)

 * Return the size of the flood protector
 * @return size
public int getSize()
	return _floodClient.size();

 * Try to perform the requested action
 * @param playerObjId
 * @param action
 * @return true if the action may be performed
public boolean tryPerformAction(int playerObjId, int action)
	Entry<Integer, Integer[]> entry = _floodClient.getEntry(playerObjId);
	if (entry == null)
		return false; // player just disconnected
	Integer[] value = entry.getValue();

	if (value[action] < GameTimeController.getGameTicks())
		value[action] = GameTimeController.getGameTicks() + REUSEDELAY[action];
		return true;
	return false;


well we start from 0





here is the times!

	// reuse delays for protected actions (in game ticks 1 tick = 100ms)
private static final int[] REUSEDELAY = new int[]
	4, 42, 42, 16, 100, 10, 20












well 4 is Hero Voice Flood Protection, i think HV Protection is 10 second? right?

well for subclass add 150(15 second) and remove 20 (2sec) so easy :)


Again little UPDATE


case 7: // Change Subclass - Action
                     * Warning: the information about this subclass will be removed from the
                     * subclass list even if false!
                    if (player.modifySubClass(paramOne, paramTwo))
                    	player.stopAllEffects(); // all effects from old subclass stopped!

                        content.append("Change Subclass:<br>Your sub class has been changed to <font color=\"LEVEL\">"
                            + CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(paramTwo) + "</font>.");

                        player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ADD_NEW_SUBCLASS)); // Subclass added.
                         * This isn't good! modifySubClass() removed subclass from memory
                         * we must update _classIndex! Else IndexOutOfBoundsException can turn
                         * up some place down the line along with other seemingly unrelated

well in case7(change sub action) go in


content.append("Change Subclass:<br>Your sub class has been changed to <font color=\"LEVEL\">"
                            + CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(paramTwo) + "</font>.");


this is message when u change sub ^^ Edit it and add your message!



content.append("Change Subclass:<br>Subclass Manager Edited,we Add 20 Second Penalty...so u can change your cubclass every 20 second. To Above To Stuck Skills!<br>Your sub class has been changed to <font color=\"LEVEL\">"

                            + CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(paramTwo) + "</font>.");


just play with Custom Message,play with color :) to be beuty:)


my english is DEAD Soz!

  • 0

is this for l2jfree??and this line you say to add


                                      * DrHouse: Despite this is not 100% retail like, it is here to avoid some exploits during subclass changes, specially

                                      * on small servers. TODO: On retail, each village master doesn't offer any subclass that is not given by itself so player

                                     * always has to move to other location to change subclass after changing previously. Thanks Aikimaniac for this info.


                                     if (!FloodProtector.getInstance().tryPerformAction(player.getObjectId(), FloodProtector.PROTECTED_SUBCLASS))


                                            _log.warn("Player "+player.getName()+" has performed a subclass change too fast");




Before this



                                     content.append("Change Subclass:<br>Your active sub class is now a <font color=\"LEVEL\">"


But there are o lot of lines like this so just tell me in which case we add it....

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