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Who Can Do Attack The L2Decoy



final L2DecoyInstance decoy = new L2DecoyInstance(npcTemplate, player, _despawnDelay);
				decoy.spawnMe(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ());

This is part of code for npc type = L2Decoy . 


I want do that when player summon this type npc , attack the target (take target from player).


Any idea who can do that ? 


Thank you very much

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i try that all but dont attack . I use  "decoy.doAttack();" he do damage but not show the animation of movent stay to spawn and just do damage to object. I use a "while" in script ... Any idea how can movent work ?


tha npc don't remove stuck to world.

Edited by BlackDevilDev
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Cause it shouldn't be a L2Decoy. Crappy L2J way to handle AI is at fault.


Where i can focus ? For i make a npc , attack when a char have a target and when no target just follow ...


AbstractNpcAI is good idea?

Edited by BlackDevilDev
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