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Hi, I have 2 OS in my Pc, 1 windows is fuckedup and event dont startup, and another is good, and i want to delete those fucked up windowses, any ideas how to delete those shitty windowses? through good windowses? or how?

shitty windowses F: disc

good windowses C:disc.



EDIT:whoa, I know how system worx now :D.

I pressed New windows installation, and there was 3 chooise, 1.install to F disc

                                                                                  2.Install to C disc

                                                                                  3.Install to D disc.

Than I tought if I press install to F disc(shitty one) then he just Install windowses and leave those -beep-ed up files , but there was more selections when i pressed instal to F disc, there was action called: Format :))))

keke I finnaly found it :p thanks for ur answers:)

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