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[Guide]L2Brute 1.4/Program use Guide.English version!!

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Use Guide!

*Copy Paste the files from the .rar archive!

*Run the L2Brute.exe a window will pop up from the program but you can,t understan the language!Use the image below for your own help!

#Image Link: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4451/sa8df65das83xj.jpg


*Then to use Program you need to know your server's IP and Token!those can be found by using programs like l2walker and Hlapex!

*After you finish up with the IP and Token you can now proceed to the Use!

*Input the Username you want at the username list,and the possible passwords to the right one below another with pressing (CTRL+ENTER) and press start!

*If the program will find a match it will save the correct password at Folder(L2BRUTE) with the name (attack.log)!



Password Generator Guide!

It's is a program that allows you to make One certain amount of numbers to use as passwords.

It can be found at the main folder (L2BRUTE) and then (external)!!

For example i will post a picture if you want all the possible numbers from 000 up to 999!

Example Link: http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/9858/wa5vaw5vaw6vg.jpg

Then all you have to do is to press (load from a file) and you choose the file (DICTION.ARY).You wait until it  will load up all the numbers and then procced by pressing Start!!!




This Guide was made for all these guys that asked for it by sending pm to me!!!

It is based of Koyfo's guide for the Greek server THEGAME I just did a small translation!!





PS.For any questions PM or post them here!and as always DON'T SPAM!!







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i did all right, but when im serching my id with my pass it dont find nothing, so i can say it dont work for me..  any suggestions?

P.S. i kno that for some ppl its working


it only works on several servers, most of servers patched it

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