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interlude L2 high Rate concept


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There wont be any custom items / stats or skills of any kind ... All those additions mirror how things are done in retail , just at a little faster pace . Economy is based on the same principles , and so is pvp etc .


Just adding a faster way you can get your equipment but without avoiding the craft system , even tho its simplified. the ambience will pretty much mimic that felt at low rates , just that everyone will be on endgame a tad bit faster =)

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We are hoping to go live in 2 months period =) .

Making our own extender and server  software so it will take some time .

Website sometime near the start of next month.  : >

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sounds nice.... but:!

dynasty REALLY SUCK! everybody thinks so... dont make tons of customs and news... you can only if you have something special and original...


if you are so rich^^ i am sure there will be NO any kind of donation EVER what is major advantage of servers like this


think about economy in your server... make lots of things that ppl would sell/buy trade with others cos sometimes it is better even than pvp ;p


last one... i think now... but only if you are really good programers(after two servers failed...) make a nice MULTICLASS

(1+1) server ~30x WITH GM shop... there is not exist any server like that, I think it would reach a lot of ppl after opening l2ds... and sh1ty l2rapture which both i think failed...


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I would suggest dont change buff duration, at least not for sws/bd because dualboxin makes it easier then to lvl alone without them if you make them 4minutes or longer. Keep them on the original times.

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