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I want to know if some1 knows how much trafic does a l2 server??? i mean you know every host has trafic limit and i want to know how much trafic makes a l2 server if any1 knows? i am very curios. ty


I want to know if some1 knows how much trafic does a l2 server??? i mean you know every host has trafic limit


I dont understand what u mind , (beacuse i didnt even know that evry host has a trafic limit)


And i dont know how to interpretate the trafic word to l2 (trafic minds what?)


Btw u can ask dimis1 he is admin of l2mafia (he is the admin in this forum whit the biggest community so u could ask him xD)


Any way ask my 1 question beacuse now i am also whit the dobut :|


what i mean is that i asw hosting companies that have at server hosting dedicated server that has lest say 500 Gb traffic/month, you are able only to have 500 Gb traffic (packets send recived conections etc) and after 500Gb traffic you cant use the server till next month. And thats what i ask how much traffic makes a l2 server??? cause then 500Gb traffic isnt enough. Thats what i ask....

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