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The reveal for Shen's champion update is up, including a preview of his new visuals, updated skins, and new passive, Q, & W, and more!


   Shen’s a bit of an odd duck. He’s a ninja who likes to be punched in the face (spoilers: that’s not changing), and while bits of his kit are super unique and impactful, he also sports two painfully generic abilities. He’s been suffering from a pretty severe case of old-schoolitis, basically, making him a prime candidate for some champion update TLC. So we’ve given him some. Alongside brushing up the big guy’s model so it’s closer to his awesome splash, we’ve also spent a bunch of time updating some of his abilities. Now Shen's power manifests as a ki blade he controls with his abilities, for example. Here's his new kit:  









this is actually one of the worst reworks in the history of lol

he's like a bad orianna 



There will be more bad reworks in da future for sure




new splash arts op, the only good thing after the rework.


playing him isnt rewarding, he is full melee, he does 0 damage, unreliable shield, spirit blade mechanic is literally retarded

only good change was his e

They change him so you can only play him as a suport/bot lane.


Next yorick confirmed?

yoricks actually good no idea why he needs to be reworked like he isnt even op or bad

if anything adc needs to be reworked and dumb shit like rengar/xin/leblanc/dianna


adc dominates 4 roles now as opposed to only bot lane before the changes

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