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[Bot][F.Q.A]Farmer John Bot

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Hey guys, With the permission of korknob ive been allowed to tell you what his bot can do and compare it to the ever famous glider, Firstly i need to stress somthing im sure he will admit, Korknob, Is a nub. He didnt say hardly any of the features in his post if anything its amazing the people who bout it did due to lack of info. After 2 days testing the bot and talking to kork ive got a good idea of how it works its pros cons and everything in between, Do without further adue. Let me get started.


What can this do glider cant?


Well, to be honest, This bot doesnt bring anything substantial to the table, however if you read this fully youll learn how even the most computer illiterate person could get this thing going.




Firstly Background mode. With mmoglider your required to buy glider, AND pay $5 a month for the background mode feature, This comes as standard with farmerjohn's bot. No additional fees no lag, nothing, set + minimize and your away, you dont even need to set up the background mode its automatic.



Pvp botting. As ive said to kork this is where his bot shines over glider, if anyone uses glider they will know how dam fustrating it is to get a good bg bot up and running pather, custom classes, tasks, key mapping can take hours.


Now lets compare to farmerjohns bot. id say to the nearest hour glider takes 2 to set up your custom class and all that jazz, farmerjohns takes about... 8 seconds? i kid you not, its as simple as hitting F8 getting to Pvp mode, pressing F5 selecting your BG and thats it, go afk. Sounds to good to be true? Trust me ive used this bot, i was amazed, it auto ques, auto joins, goes and fights players, rezzes and continues until the BG is over, then it just repeats, to put this to the test, i was going to college today and wanted to see if i could get the BG bot running before i had to go ( had about 10 mins ), turned pc on, logged in, started wow, and the bot, did the above and was away, had 5 mins spare.




I must admit in 2 days all ive done is 1-15 but that has went excellent, it does everything glider does, and with a few additional addons it can do even more, if your a glider user, you need to set up your waypoints, ghost waypoints, vendor waypoints, this can take a good while, farmerjohns bot has all the profiles preuploaded, it will repair all your gear, trains your skills, and with the help off an addon or 2 it will sell all the junk. It loots ofc, skins and mines/herbs.


Is it safe...?


Glider has allways had banwaves, so has the other leading bots, in 7 months farmerjohns has had 0 banwaves, his bot is undetected, and alltho i wont lie and say use this and never get banned, its as safe if not safer than glider.


What about my key...


With glider, your assigned a glider key, whitch is easily stolen if ure keyloagged, or put ure files on a p2p network, with farmerjohns your key is based on your account name, so unless someone else who has the exact same account name hacks you ( witch is technically impossible ) youll never get ure key stole.




Farmerjohns creator will be constantly updateing his bot, i mean you could say its in beta stage atm, however allready the potential of it is amazing, we have discussed some things on AIM and he has some big plans. So dont think your buying a 1-time-update.




From the early days the one bad thing about glider was the key system you had to manually place every key in a slot before you could do anything, they have since updated this so it finds the key itself, From my experience however, that is buggy at best, alot of people prefer the old system, Farmerjohn has gone one better, Some may call this silly, but farmer john types all of its attacks. You can laugh now, but take it from someone whos used it, its very realible and if anything you can keep ure addons/keys exactly the same on ure char.




If youve ever tried this on glider, its like cracking the da vinchi code, you have to make 2 folders with somthing in there name 2 shadow drivers.. load sequences... No. Farmerjohns bot has this cracked, his bot will let you load multiple instances of the bot , no hassle no trouble you can begin dual-boxing.




If by now your thinking, this sounds nice... but i dont know... Dont just take my word for it. Go download the trial version and give it a whirl.





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