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Well has many of u know i am from arg (¬¬")  i just saw a video in youtube about a serie called cebollitas and i read this:


Cebollitas, ''Atromiti'' in Greek, was my favourite tv show :). But what does Que Bolu mean in English???


JAJAJAJA is it true? u had cebollitas in Greece? W T F ?  ? ? ?


i had like 6 years when that serie was here XD so wierd think u saw that program xDDDD


Now u r gonna tell me that greece like arg programs ajajjajaj xD


i think this is wierd beacuse here in arg we dont have not even 1 program from greece =P


i was going it beforeeeeeeeee years.. ;D i remember boca,carot, the alfonso lol and the girls too...what was the name of the coach ? ;O i dont remember exatly i was kid about 12-13 y.o or less...very nice program for kids :)


we have many argentian programs :S... translated lol


anyway i remember i used run from school to come home early and watch "atromitoi" xD


it was my fave program, but then after a while repeats started and then it stopped :(



lol every country "steals" a serie or tv show and then the country who "Steal" it he use it .. big deal .. personally i dont care cuz i dont watch such things


<3 latremenoi mou geitones:P


(GR) αλλα μην ξεχνας οτι τα περισσοτερα ελληνικα εργα εχουν ως πλοκη αλλα ξενα εργα :P  π.χ. τωρα τα καινουργια οπως το λακης ο γλυκουλης και το ευτιχισμενοι μαζι εχουν την πλοκη απο την ισπανια:P απλα εμεις οι ελληνες βαζουμε την μαγεια μας  ;D ;D

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