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Is there any problem with hopzone and topzone? I have been accepted in hopzone but my Server is only in the all lineage 2 servers category, and not also in the NEW lineage 2 servers category. In topzone I get banned all the time. Also I made NEW account in hopzone , i chnged ip of Server , name of Server, name of site but again only in all lineage 2 servers category and no in the NEW category list. I sent several emails to hopzone but nobody is answering in my emails. In topzone the stupid admin tells me tthat i have already an account and to use the existing account. In the past I had registered successfully both sites and I was in the NEW list and all these very easily without trying multiply times, with the First try. In topzone also i changed everything to register again , NEW account from a friends pc with his network and not mine , again banned for existing account. My question is : Does anyone has the same problem ..registering and see his Server only in all lineage 2 servers and not in the NEW category list servvers , or getting banned without reason or I am the only one with this problem? What i have to do to be in the NEW category list of tozone and hopzone WITHOUT PAYING?

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