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ur way to make money


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we could talk a lot about this but i will tell u the fastest and easy ways to get adena in low and hige rate servers (at least i use this methods)


Low servers 1x-5x rates

U know that in low the only way to make the good money is whit a dwarf (specially the bh) any way the artisian also makes good money from they crafting

Well if u want to get good adena u must have patience in low servers .. for example lets see u r a noob and u have only 200k so what should u do? The classic Buy cheap Sell expensive ^^ belive me people always make mistakes or dosnt know the real prize of a D grade weapon or a low c so whit this u can take good adena in the middle .... Remember u dont have to only kill mobs and sell your mats There is a bunch of quests make to do adena just see in pm fun


Hige rate 50 - 10.000 <-(xD)

well in regular hige rate servers u have the command .deposit and .withdraw so there is 2 easy ways to make the good money

1 Make a Warlod

2 Make a sps or a sph


why ? warlod have the skill to increase the ammount mobs that spear can hit (and belive me if u go to zones where the mods are more than ppls in server u will have some fun)


why sps or sph? seens interlude this 2 classes get the skill aura Flash skill , this skill hits a lot of mobs and whit fast reuse skill time (also u can hit whit Aqua Splash in sps or whit sph Tempest)


This are the fastest ways to get adena in hige rate servers

Now there is places where u can go but the best places, i just know how to go whit bugs and u said NO BUGS so GG =P




Sorcerer is better with warlord, because it has blazing circle and rain of fire. Theese spells damage several mobs at the same time, and sorcerer has aura flash too :P

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in high rates i make warlord max lvl and go to primeval island just buff yourself and get good gear and go !!! good adena :) or take nuker like SPH and go to toi 10 or 11 flor dont rimember there are angels with good drop :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, do you wanna know how i got soo many adena? (i stopped playing l2 )


on dnet, in c4 times, on nightmare server, i did manor system.

this is a pretty good way to earn a fcking lots of adena.


my record on ONE day:

60k animal bone, 4k cbp, 30k m. ore, 1k vop, 1k m alloy, 1k rmp (now that is dmp), 1k s cokes. 800 enria.


so this was my record. :) 

and yea this was on ONE  day.


i was on dn/nm some weeks ago. i made some crops for test manor. mobs gave onla y 3-4 crops only :S

in c4 it was much better. but i made some crops, and i got 1k m alloy. that was 2kkk so that was enough to brake my dual :D

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i like very much to do money with manor system.


Look, I think that this depends of server... u can do money with:




Raid boss

manor system

Ancient Adena

Quest itens

only buying and selling thins



I think that is depends of rates of server, drops configurations, adenas configurations... etc, is dificult say this.

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Look, I think that this depends of server... u can do money with:




Raid boss

manor system

Ancient Adena

Quest itens

only buying and selling thins



I think that is depends of rates of server, drops configurations, adenas configurations... etc, is dificult say this.


true. but i prefer manor. coz dn has a new manor system it has 1x crops from mobs.

so i prefer it if you are alone.


craft/spoil can be good too

rb is only for good clans. (valakas, anti, bai. low rbs arent drops good things. and you need to be lucky.)

aa is the most depend on servers.

buy and sells, if you are good in that. long time ago, i killed many mobs, i farmed always for good stuffs, my brother did that with buy and sell. and finally he got better armor/weapon than me. with buy and sells. nowadays he plays online poker, last time he won 300 euro on a tournament. ofc real money :)

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why sps or sph? seens interlude this 2 classes get the skill aura Flash skill , this skill hits a lot of mobs and whit fast reuse skill time (also u can hit whit Aqua Splash in sps or whit sph Tempest)


It's funny how everybody always ignores and forgets about a sorcerer. If you're talking about how they have aura flash and aoe skills, a sorcerer is five times better than a sh and a sps at aoeing.

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