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Plz help to be hero


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ok whit pics beacuse i am rly bored and u will understand better xD


1 go to Grand olympiad manager and choose the that option



2 u can choose 2 options


1 fight against any class (Not clased based) or  2 against your class (clased based) [Always play on "non based class distinction"]

width=640 height=480http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/8240/shot00138el3.jpg[/img]


3 choose the only thing u have to choose and  u r registered to play the olympiads =) It will say (depending on the chronicle) "U will be teleported to stadyum in 60 seconds" and u will fight against another people TO BECOME A MIGHTY HERO

width=640 height=480http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/6290/shot00139yl1.jpg[/img]



BB (ps hahahaha)


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Well There is No Need To Join The Class Based Games.. *( Im Talking About The Pic )*


@Anubis , In Which Server You Play!?

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On the 2nd pic, choose the 3rd option to see how many peope are registered to oly, and the 4th, to see how many available points do you have

u can see your points too with : /olympiadstat

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