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[L2J] L2Summit


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Server rates
XP rate: 25x
SP rate: 30x
Adena rate: 25x
Drop rate: 10x
Spoil rate: 15x

Party XP rate: 1.2x
Party SP rate: 1.2x

Raid Boss drop rate: 10x
Grand Boss drop rate: 1x
Seal stones drop rate: 5x
Manor drop rate: 5x
Quest drop rate: 5x
Quest reward rate: 10x
Safe Enchant: 3
Max Enchant: 16
Enchant chance decreases with enchant level: starting with 90% for +4 and ending with 50% for +16.
Buffs duration: 30min
Songs and dances duration: 30min
Prophecy buffs duration: 10min
Summoner buffs duration: 10min
Auto pickup
Offline shops
Increased weight limit (120%)
GM Buffer [ features]
Extended shops, items available till B grade [ features]
Extended gatekeeper [ features]
Mana potions - working exactly the same as Healing Potion, except reuse time - it is set to 15sec. [features]

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