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Devil May Cry 4 small trainer


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well i have decide to make a game trainer winth python

and i will post a sample



[glow=gray,2,300]from ctypes import *

import sys

import os

import win32process

import win32con

def neroEx():

hWnd = windll.user32.FindWindowA(0, 'Devil May Cry 4')

if (hWnd > 0):

print '*********************************************************'

print 'Game Found!'

print 'Lets Find The ProcessId'

Pid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd)

print 'Open The Process'

for i in Pid:

hAndle = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(win32con.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0,i)

if (hAndle > 0):

print 'Ok We Got Handle :',hAndle

print 'Trying To Inject The Arbitary Code ->'





print 'Arbitary Code Sucessfull INjected !'

print '*********************************************************'


print 'I Cant Inject The Code'


def loadLibs():

os.system('color 0A')


print '*********************************************************'

print '(1) Loading Libs ->'

kernel32 = windll.kernel32

print windll.kernel32 , 'Kernel Lib'

user32 = windll.user32

print windll.user32,'User32 Lib'

print '*********************************************************'



print '*********************************************************'

print 'Devil May Cry Arbitary Code Injection'

print 'Created By Dark1nJeCt1on'

print 'With Pure Python',sys.version

print '*********************************************************'



well this will let u use nero Ex gauge unlimited

this is just a sample of code i dont wanna post it all cos its an open source and i dont someone copy my work

anyway try it!

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