Kalispera exw to e3is 8ema exw perasi custom ston server mou kai paw na peraso mia armor akoma dragon core legetai ola einai ok kai xml tis armor kai to sql ta exw check ola kai name kai id peranw to sql pernaw to xml sto data/stats/armor kai anigo to server kai mou petaei error se oles tis custom armor gt auto? plz help me gt den tin palevo
thats funny, you are beign funny, hopzone.net is the most legit website is. (was)
the reason?
Selling votes to server owners (fake servers can be first due to money)
Advertising new scryde owner's server and cycling the players to cryde server while other admins paying
Kadar made a mistake selling to a server owner
she destroyed the reputation of the website alongside with its legitimacy so as all people saying
Hello, as per title. Im looking for a boosted Tank (It can actually be any class if it has weapons with double augments for tank)
Mainly looking for: -Improved Epics (Imp. Antharas, Imp. Baium, Imp. Valakas, Imp. Tezza .....)
-Amulet stones (lvl 3 +)
-Amulet + STR
Kalispera exw to e3is 8ema exw perasi custom ston server mou kai paw na peraso mia armor akoma dragon core legetai ola einai ok kai xml tis armor kai to sql ta exw check ola kai name kai id peranw to sql pernaw to xml sto data/stats/armor kai anigo to server kai mou petaei error se oles tis custom armor gt auto? plz help me gt den tin palevo
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