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interlude [L2J] L2Roar Koofs Vs Noobs


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L2Roar Features Koofs Vs N00bs:

Anti feed protection system New players have full xp/sp and the subclass full lvl Java GK that change the pvp places every 30 minutes Java buffer with save Button and Load + Manual (Time Limit 1 Hour) NO CUSTOM ITEMS

-=Enchant rates=-


Max :16

-=Custom Items=-
Dynasty Weapons

-=Information about our Engine=-

Koofs vs N00bs is the first faction player vs player system/ server mod created for a Lineage 2 Private Server. Players are split into two opposing sides (Koofs & N00bs).These factions are united to fight the opposing side and capture the various towns and castles within the Lineage world. Owning different percentages of the zones will reward your faction with certain benifits.

-=The point of the game is simple=- kill as many enemies as possible and seize the territory as large as possible. This way, EXP and Adens are gained.

KvNX3 Heroes=- Every Week from Oympiad

Voice Commands=- .Points,setenchant,online,mapinfo.changepassword,info


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Do you need votes on top100arena or topg.org?


top100arena price :    50000 votes = 1200 USD only.


if interested you can contact me


whatsapp :   +919878706641

Skype:   hunny.kaushal

email :   hunnykaushal@gmail.com

facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hunny.kaushal.33

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