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LJ2FREE Buffer



hello i have a problem cna some one help me?

1st of all my buffer dont works,i mean it works but buffs have 19 minutes time and songs/etc 1 minute how do i change it?

2nd something happents after 1 server RR and when im clicking at Maximialn High Priest or  other HIght Priests at other towns and im Cliking Caln its says

I dont Have eny tasks for you.... why ? help me pls.... thx

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To fix the time of buffs , you must go gameserver/data/stats/skills open XML files with notepad and you will see the time on seconds so u will be able to fix all of them .

Also about the problem after a rr , something going wrong with ur scripts or with ur htmls , try to re-install them , or make a backup to your database .

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i just want to add something more (may be he didnt understand)


You have to find the buffs (skills) ID...Then you must go: server\gameserver\data\stats\skills

and find the skills that you want by their IDs... + The you can change their duration at the following lines:


<effect count="1" name="Buff" time="30" val="0">

      <sub order="0x40" stat="maxMp" val="#Tab-maxMp"/>



At the ["30" number u replace it whit the number cuantity u want the buff to last]


Just for help =)



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