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[Gracia L2J] Elfaron


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1) Rates :


XP: 20

SP: 20

Party XP: 1.5

Party SP: 1.5

Drop: 5

Spoil: 20

Adena: 40




No GM Shop

No Custom Buffer

No Global Gatekeeper

No Donations

No Overpowered Player

No Boring Game


GMs do all, to fight against the boring. You will only have fun in Game, cause GMs make many Events, you get good items by fishing (recipes etc.), Server have a Friendly Community, friendly GMs. The Server changed some places (LOA made easyer, TOI made stronger, Forgotten Temple made strong  and more). There are too many great things... i can´t tell all here... come log in and start playing Lineage 2 !

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