wileikiss Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 L2-KARMA www.l2karma.com MAIN INFO: #======================================================================== Server type: No Custom PVP Rates: All 1000x Enchant Normal Scrolls 80% Max +15 Enchant Blessed Scrolls 95% Max +15 Enchant Crystal Scrolls 100% Max +18 Safe Enchant +3 Augment Skill Chance: 20% (1 active 1 passive augment at a time) B Grade Armors for free Custom economy system(adenas are valuable) Max Buffs: 76 (time 9 hours, buffs’ don’t disappear on death) SubClass/Nobless without quest (Max SubClasses: 3, you get Noblesse coin on login) #========================================================================NPC:#======================================================================== Event Manager Raidboss info NPC Global/Custom Gatekeepers GMSHOP Vote SHOP Scheme Buffer Pet Buffer Vote Manager Augmenter TOP PK/PVP Manager Skill enchanter (All Classes) Subclass manager (All Classes) Siege manager (All Castles) Wedding Manager Casino Manager #========================================================================FEATURES#======================================================================== Antibuff Shield Auto pickup drop except Raidbosses Tattoo for Fighter (+10% Atk Spd) Tattoo for Mage (+10% M.Atk Spd) No Weight penalty Stackable Lifestones/Scrolls/Bogs Antiheavy system(Dagger, tyrant, and bow classes won’t be able to equip heavy type armours.) Player spawn protection after login/teleport 20 seconds Killer system(gives you info about your killer: CP/HP/MP/Enchanted Items) Secure your account by setting your PIN code on your character by writing /pin View server player tops by writing /top Auto vote reward every 30 minutes Individual vote reward every 12 hours Class balance(constantly improving) Offline shop system (just put your private shop and logout) Custom Nick Color: 50PVP(Yellow),100PVP(Light Blue),150PVP(Pink),250PVP(Green),500PVP(Orange) Custom Title Color: 50PK(Grey),100PK(Dark Green),150PK(Yellow),250PK(Dark Blue),500PK(Red) #========================================================================EVENTS ENGINE#======================================================================== 1. Deathmatch 2. Team vs Team 3. Last Man Standing 4. Lucky Chests 5. Simon Says 6. VIP Team vs Team 7. Capture the Flag 8. Russian Roulette 9. Mutant 10. Battlefield 11. Bomb Fight Events every hour, you can vote what event you want. #========================================================================VIP PRIVILEGES SYSTEM#========================================================================1. 1. V.I.P. player commands: .status See how much time till your VIP ending .title Set your title to show your current pk/pvp count .titlecolor Set your title color 2. Announcement to all players when you log-in 3. Hero status, hero skills(on main class, hero weapon ) for 3 days #========================================================================ZONES#======================================================================== Starting Town: Goddard Main Town: Giran Unique Farm, safe, lifestone, pk/pvp zones Unique PVP zone Unique Raidboses #========================================================================OLYMPIAD#======================================================================== Olympiad everyday(except validation period) 18.00-24.00 GMT+2 Validation period 24 hours (One day in week oly isn’t working, this day is for validation and Castle Sieges) Full retail working olympiad Heroes change every Sunday 23:59 GMT+2 Dualboxing Protection Protection from leaving (leaver looses points) Olympiad Ranking updates after every match #========================================================================CASTLE SIEGES#======================================================================== Only Giran and Goddard Castle SiegesSieges on olympiad validation period day #========================================================================CLANS#======================================================================== Max clans in ally: 2 Max members in clan: 15 Days before joining/creating another clan: 1 You can start a clan war with 5 members. #========================================================================OTHER#======================================================================== Server location best suitable for Europe players Stable server core LameGuard protection from bot/phx/l2tower and etc. DDoS protection Auto restart every morning 06.30 GMT+2 Auto server backups every 30 minutes. (Even if our hardware would crash, server could continue without WIPE)
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