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[How To] Use Mail and Auction House on A Trial Account :)


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Hello Again Guys I Found This Trick and i wanna share it with you ;)


Is kinda useless but all you have to do is Open A Ticket to a gm with like botting or something, Then Log Out From The Game And Wait -> Wait Until you think they answer on your Ticket. Then Whey then mail to you. you will be able to you Mail And Auction House.


WARNING!!!: Don't Read The Mail They Send You, Otherwise the accout goes back to normal


If you don't believe me see the pics bellow ;)




width=640 height=436http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/6154/webmonster1eh6.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/7035/webmonster2ny6.jpg[/img]


Cya ;)

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  • 2 months later...

actually I had a trial account...

I had made 5g when I was at lvl 20, but because after all I decided to change my account

I sent a ticket to the GM...

then when I got the mail, I didn't open it, I created a new message, put in the 5g and some herbs i had gathered, and wrote down the name of a friend of mine...

when i pressed "send", an error message said "Trial accounts can't use this function".


so, I think it doesn't work anymore... :/

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