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How To Promote Your Server In The Internet

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credts unknown, found the article on google and wanted to share


As you probably know, there are several ways to promote the game server in the Internet. The purpose of promotion - get a certain number of players (online). 

There is also a lot of "myths" and "legends" in this area, but no one to share their experiences do not want to, because it is a certain kind of "savings". 

1. SEO promotion of the project. Certain persons regard this method as promising. Yes, promote your server Lineage 2 high frequency query in search engines (lineage2, lineage 2 server, la2 server, and etc) - really cool. But this method of promotion is not cheap and fast. For this promotion (search engines) need a good capital and time (at least 2 months). 

Therefore, this method of promotion is not suitable for ordinary free-shards and we do not dwell on it. 

2. SMO promotion. SMO - a new trend online promotion projects in the network. SMO also suggest a "social promotion" project. Yes, you read that right - is to promote the server to social services such as MySpace, classmates, YouTube and others. 

If your server is a serious project - try to make him a high-quality video promos. Further, this video can be used for advertising in the social. networks (group vkontakte, classmates or on the same YouTube). This is not difficult to find people who will help you in spam (eg FaceBook) thematic users (for example, who have the benefit - lineage / game). 

This method requires significant investment but does not require much time, hence suitable for medium and major projects. 

3. banner and text ads. With this type of advertising has dealt almost every serverschik. Its essence - investment is relatively large, but does not give a good return on the output. With the help of advertising services (as for example, the leaders of this issue ads - promo-reklama, making it possible to place contextual and banner impressions on the site l2top) can dramatically increase the number of visits to your project site and attract the players concerned to it. 

A. Banner. 

couple I would like to reveal their secrets about advertising in the promotional advertising on the site l2top. 

Tip number 1. Saves a significant amount of money on advertising. The secret lies in the simple mathematical calculations. Make money out of thin air is not real? Yes, easily! 

Take an example. We need a day to attract 5,000 users on our site. For this (average CTR 3-4) we need 150,000 - 200,000 banner impressions per day. Logic frequency banner impressions on promotional advertising depends on your rate for 1000 shows. 

achieve such impressions can be on average at a rate of 0.6-0.65 cu / 1000 hits. Cournot mana and translate into money number: (150 000 * 0.6) / 1000 == 90 ordinary American rubles ($ 90). Now we do a little trick. Again a smoke 4-5 mana and register accounts in the promotional advertising (1st acc regim simple, and follow-up for the 1st Referral acc-or rather another 5% khalyavnykh each transaction). All 4-acc and do on a unique banner and add each account bannerki to our website. When you add a banner (up to the pre-moderation) use a different target and different descriptions of a banner (that would not evil moderators zapodozreli not okay). Wait until the banner and promoderiruyut allowed. Change all target l2top top banner. Again smoke mana, but I do count. 

From my practice, to achieve 50,000 count hits per day can be at the rate of 0.45 cu for 1000. use the account at a rate of 3 0.45. Consider savings. (150 000 * 0.45) / 1000 == 67.5 ordinary American rubles ($ 67.5). We have involved a grid of 3 accounts. Oh yeah, we have forgotten - we get 5% of the transfer ref. accounts. Again smoke mana, consider: $ 68 / $ 3 == 22.6 1 acc.22.6 * 45.3 $ 2 ==. 45.3 * $ 0.05 $ == 2.6. For ref. transfers obtain top small pendants - $ 2.6 referral. Consider total: 

1 method: 150,000 hits / day == 90 $ 

2 method: 150,000 hits / day == $ 65 

Net savings: $ 25. Commercials are not bad? Created an account for 3 instead of 1, we saved $ 25. 

You can experiment more much more - for example create 10 accounts and cost per impression appoint 0.35-0.4 USD CPC, and the savings will be much more ($ 35-40). 

b. Text ads Banner VS. This type of advertising on promotional advertising method to find a "quick" build site visits. 

mana smoke again the example and estimate - Reason is there to use it. 

Take the lowest price - $ 0.01 / per click. In comparison take cost of 1000 banner impressions at the rate of 0.4 $ / 1000 views. Average MDGs (click / impressions) - 3-4%. From 1000 shows get 30-40 clicks. We divide our $ 0.4 / 30 ~ 40 and obtain the coveted 0.01 ~ 0.013 USD per click. At that rate - it makes sense to use contextual advertising. But, if you take the price to $ 0.02 / click or higher - get exactly the price is 2 times higher than banner impressions. 

Conclusion: use the rate above 0.01 $ / click - without meaning and a waste of money. Here's a selection of tricks. Ploy l2top may soon be closed, after the publication of this article, so - do not sleep, forge iron while it's hot. 

Edited by Rio
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