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Soultaker lvl 85 , 3 subs , nobless => All main skills +15 / +30

Vesper Noble Robe set +6 120 att FULL, ALL FOUNDATION 

Rising Star +4 300 Dark

Olf shirt +6

Cloth Belt +6 , Mithril Bracelet

Vesper sigil +6, vorpal sigil +4

Soul Zaken,Freya cloak

Vorpal jewels +4-6 , dyna ring +8 , Necklace of Freya  all good augumented.

Around 2kkk on that char.

25e only!!!!



Titan 85 all certs, nobless => Main skills +25-30  other skills 10-20

Moirai Heavy Set +4/5

Vesper Slasher +4 300 Holy Focus , Vesper Retributer +4 300 Fire Health

Cloak of Frintezza

Warrior Shirt +6

Cloth Belt

Mithril Bracelet

2x Vorpal Earings +4 , 2x Dynasty Ring +6

Olympiad Warriors Ring

Necklace of Frintezza +4



Sorcerer Nobless + Certs , skills +10-15

OL 85 , 2 subs not nobless


L2Woa Adena

1kkk - 0,2e or 0,3usd


pm me here or skype d.marushchak

Edited by marushchak
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