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Custom Lineage 2 Item


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Im creating such an unusuall thread, but I really need to know.


I need an item, that is unsuall (random item, but most likely unusuall quest TRADEABLE item) in Chronicle 4


And I need much of these items, so the quest for this gotta be easy and short.


(Reminder: Thing unusuall and tradeable. Easy to get.)


Please answer my question in this unusuall thread.


I'll tell mods to delete this thread, after I get what I want.


Thank you ;)

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You need the item for private store skam? but anyway try Wish Potion :)


Here The Wishing Potion Quest - http://l2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=32


P.S. you can get other unuseful items by using the wishing potion.

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