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Hello. White Eagle is a poland server with 400 players online. Its a great pvp server and its website is http://www.white-eagle.com.pl/wwweng/index.html

There are 3 sub-servers. Bartz, Kain and Sieghardt.


You must read this update before proceed to Installation.

As you know we have new chronicle and its slow time to start download it - but Kain players must be more patient then other servers ppl.


Bartz - on this server Gracia will be add in the end of week (we will write the date and hour soon). If this is not needed dont instal Gracia yet till we will annouce that our server client changed. Ofcourse if you have Gracia system you can try connect with Bartz Hellbound.


Sieghardt - Sieghard players can play on Gracia now :) but if someone have Hellbound he can also connect but he wont see new things.


Kain - Kain players must be more patient and stay on Hellbound a little more then others - becouse as you know kain have many custom items and other things - so its take more time to change chronicle there. (We will add info about the date and hour). Dont auto update your client becouse Kain is not compatible with Gracia yet!!!


Bartz Specs.

4x Opteron Dual Core ( 8 Cores Total )

12 GB Ram

1Gbit Uplink




XP: 2000x

SP: 2000x

Adena: 2500x

Party XP Rate: 1x

Pet XP Rate: 1000x PK Drop Chance: 0%

Drop: 1x

Weapon Enchant Rate: 75%

Armor Enchant Rate: 75%

Max Enchant: +15

Safe Enchant: +4

Buffs: 4hour

Max Subclasses: 5

Auto Skill Learn: Enabled

Auto Loot: Enabled

Spawn Protection: 30 seconds


Other info

CT1 Olympiad System

CT1 Working Geodata

Cursed Weapons

Sieges & Fort Sieges

Event Team vs Team

Global Gatekeeper


Free Quests for Nobless and Subclass

Duel System

Class Manager

GM Shop

Buffs are only party only ( Anti-Grief )

Clan Penalities are OFF.


Sieghardt Specs.

Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 2.4GHz

4 GB Ram

100Mbit Uplink

2x 250GB SATA II



XP: 5x

SP: 7x

Adena: 8x

Party XP Rate: 1.3x

Pet XP Rate: 6x PK Drop Chance: 100%

Drop: 10x

Spoil: 15x

Weapon Enchant Rate: 66%

Armor Enchant Rate: 66%

Max Enchant: +25

Safe Enchant: +3

Buffs: Retail

Max Subclasses: 3

Auto Skill Learn: Disabled

Auto Loot: Enabled

Spawn Protection: 45 seconds


Other info

CT1 Olympiad System

CT1 Working Geodata

Cursed Weapons

Sieges & Fort Sieges

Team vs Team Events

Duel System

Custom Shops

Class Manager ( Hidden deep in LOA )

Blocked Dual Boxing


Kain Specs.

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

4 GB Ram

100Mbit Uplink




XP: 50x

SP: 60x

Adena: 200x

Party XP Rate: 1.5x

Pet XP Rate: 1x PK Drop Chance: 75%

Drop: 1x

Weapon Enchant Rate: 50%

Armor Enchant Rate: 33%

Max Enchant: +20

Safe Enchant: +4

Buffs: 4hour

Max Subclasses: 5

Auto Skill Learn: Enabled

Auto Loot: Enabled

Spawn Protection: 30 seconds


Other info

CT1 Olympiad System

CT1 Working Geodata

Balanced classes

Team vs Team Events

1vs1, Party vs Party, Hide & Seek Events

Custom Leveling Zones

Global Gatekeeper

Dynasty Weapons

Custom Shops

Class Managers

NPC Buffer

Free Quests for Nobless and Subclass

Uniquee Sacred & Cursed Armors - Bonus Items - Ancient Weapons

Cursed Weapons

Dueling system

Sieges & Fort Sieges

Clan Penalities are OFF.

Buffs are only party only ( Anti-Grief )


How to connect

First thing you need is a fresh install of Lineage 2 Hellbound (CT1.5) game client. HERE

Downloaded? Ahh Great! Now Install the game.

Few hours later... You are in possession of Lineage 2: The Chaotic Throne client!

Now you have to redirect your connection to White ][ Eagle servers, to do that you have to edit "hosts" file which you can find under "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc" l2authd.lineage2.com l2testauthd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com


So the whole file will look like that:

# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host localhost l2authd.lineage2.com l2testauthd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com


To play you need to run game by l2.exe executable which you can find under system catalog of your Lineage 2 folder.

ex. C:\Program Files\Lineage2\System\L2.exe


Accounts on White ][ Eagle are created automatically (you just have to enter login & password)

Nicknames have to start with first capital letter ex. "Superstar"



Of course there are donations.




Decisions and judgements of Admins/GMs won't come in question. GMs/Admins are not obligated to consider players opinion, it depends only from theirs own will. Every single request for pm, may be ignored by GM/Admin - it depends on work which are they doing at the moment. All notices and suggestions should be posted on forum so that Admins will be able to consider them and possibly adopt. GMs are helping people with technical problems, answering for questions about game is not theirs duty. All informations about L2 you can find on web sites with this subject. White][Eagle Team members are not taking responsibility for defects or bad function of game.


1. Insulting Admins/GMs = BAN


2. This is pvp/pk server. Rules are being created by players. GMs/Admins won't settle players argument.


3. Every single server's restart/shutdown is necessary, so there is no point to discuiss about it with GMs/Admins.


4. Don't use any bugs, hacks, etc. If u will recover any of those report it immediately on forum.


5. Using bots, l2walker and similar programs is forbidden.


6. Using bad words, spam on global chats (trade, hero chat) is not allowed. You can't use hero chat to communicate with GMs/Admins - If u want to ask about something - use forum.


7. Selling items/accounts for real money (for example: Ebay) is punishable.


8. Admins/GMs won't return any of items/accounts stolen by "fake GMs" (we advice - don't share your passes with noone)


9. You can be punished in many ways, like: kick, jail, kill, delvl, decreasing enchant, chat ban, char/account/IP Ban - decision depends on Admin's/GM's will.


10. White][Eagle Team reserves rights to add changes in statute. About changes in regulations, you will be informed on forum.



Created by EarthQuake & piXel & Krwawy & Vanilia





Contents of posts express opinion of their author, not necessarily view of server's owners or forum users. If due to some reasons, someone's post offence you, or/and is breaking rules, you have right to inform moderators about it. Moderators are taking care of order and compatibility post's contence with regulations, and they will delete all improper posts.


By register on this forum you declare do not to post in here substance which are: false, offensive, not precisely stated, vulgar, arousing hate, bully, obscene, threatening, interfering into someones privacy, outrage the law. You also agreed do not to post contents which are filled by copyrights, unless you are their author.


White Eagle forum Statute


Forum is a place where you can discuss practically about everything (with most pressure on Lineage2). However in order to keep regularity and pleasant atmosphere, necessary is obey the rules which are below.


1. Don't swear at forum, unless swear-word is a part of joke, then you need to mark your topic with "18+" insertion (which means "for adult only").


2. If there is need to curse (cause for example, we are getting critical error in every 3 mins) you should censor those words (by modification couple letters in the middle of word into ***). People which will abuse swearing (even "censored") will be punished.


3. If topic has been made for adult people, it should be marked by "18+" insertion.


4. Don't insult other users.


5. Topics should be created in suitable sections. Those which will be in wrong sections, will be moved to right ones, or deleted by moderators. Recidivists will be punished.


6. Topic of thread and his description should be properly framed and clearly state his contents. If someone has stollen our account, we write "Stollen account of Bartz player" not "Help!", "Problem", or "To GM". Threads with incorrect topics will be deleted and theirs authors will be punished for recidivism.


7. Before you will write new thread, use "search" option, to prevent duplication threads that already exist. Breaking this rule multi times is punishable.


8. Off Topic section is designed for free discuss, those without any sense also, provided that they aren't against the rules.


9. All threads without any sense and value, posted in other section than Off topic, will be moved to Junk or deleted, recidivism is punishable.


10. Threads which contain argues, insults, or which has being created only for increase amount of user's post, will be closed, moved to junk, or deleted.


11. Avoid of "Caps lock", there is no point to accent your thread, a specially in topic.


12. Don't quote, long for two pages opinion of other user, only for add "I agree". Quote just short fragments which will remind matter of whole post.


13. Avoid animated avatars (images under user name), animated signature as well unless animation is discreet and unobtrusive.


14. Signature should be relatively short - at most 5-6 lines (or image with similar size). All images in signatures together shouldn't exceed 50kB. Those which will be too big or too flashy will be deleted.


15. Spam is forbidden (adding to every thread, instantly posts like: "ok", "aha", "agree" etc, only for increase user's rang on forum). For every single spam post, users will get warns, if you will collect 3 of those you won't be able to write on forum for next 90 days, only reading will be available.


16. Posting same thread in many sections is forbidden. Duplicated threads will be deleted and their author will receive warn.


17. Faking Admins/GMs and forum moderators is forbidden, including use of their avatars or signatures ("Administator", "Moderator" or "White Eagle Team" also) it will be punished with ban.


18. For breaking statute rules, moderators will add warns. Every single break will be awarded with 1 warn. If any user will habitually work against the rules his account will be blocked permanently.


19. For frequent forum rules transgress in short time we considering temporary accounts blocks (90 days - 3 warns). If it won't help, and user's behavior won't improve, his account will be blocked permanently.


20. Users who are breaking rules has got chance for reclamation, warns will extinct - 1 per 3 months.


21. Every negative comments about server on forum are totally forbidden (like: this server sux, etc) about W][E Team likewise (commanding, charging, insulting, pointing out mistakes etc.) We realize that our server isn't perfect, it has got a lot of bugs and deficiency but we are giving you this what we can manage. You have at least two choices, deal with it or leave. For breaking this rule we are considering many punishes from 1 warn to ban account on server. It depends on punisher own will.


22. Picking holes in someones spelling/orthography is forbidden (comments for example "learn english" are punishable).


23. We are not interested in your suggestions about, how server should work. We have our own conceptions which we want to accomplish. We have created this forum to help you extract from it needed informations. All that kind of threads will be deleted and their stubborn authors punished.


24. Promoting other servers is forbidden.


25. If there are some special rules to section added, you are obligated to follow them as well.


26. Ignorance isn't an excuse, you are obligated to know the rules and follow them. (we don't accept thin excuse like "I didn't know that this is forbidden").


27. Statement take effect on whole forum.


28. English language is required on forums.


About changes in rules you will be informed on forum.


It's a good server; i'm playing there.


it was better when it was interlude , i was playing and i am playing there sometimes , i got 2 chars full donators , its still a good server


It's a good server; i'm playing there.


bro the server is rly suck, belive it or not


All times bugs,silence in oly 100%

donators archer make 4,5k damag

this with donate skill is stiuped idea,im sure if remove donate skill all ppl leave from this server


gm shop dont have enought importand item

npc buffer dont have some resists

Resists are all buged (resists dont give +30 in atritube .)with resists buged we make a little dmhg

no friendly gms

special bosses edited...removed special items


2 times i got jail...

1 -2k minute

2- 7k minute


because i say in all server is for ass ,all times bugs



and all this with Hero Voice is sh1t..... if u spam a little =remove hero 100% and maby ban


my friend say in hv ,omg gms all times event and event,look and this fc**ng bugs in oly and he take ban for ever




enjoy a suck server!




May i ask a question?


This is clearly L2J (running GRACIA SUPPORT) therefore only a revision change is required.


"Kain players must be more patient and stay on Hellbound a little more then others - becouse as you know kain have many custom items and other things - so its take more time to change chronicle there. (We will add info about the date and hour). Dont auto update your client becouse Kain is not compatible with Gracia yet!!! "


Items wouldnt need to be changed, this is clearly a poor excuse friend. Revision IDs do NOT change items

  • 3 weeks later...

why on pm?

im intresting on learning to...

because advertising a donators/lag(IT HAS!)/bug/noob server like that

u must be a developer or smthing there :P


I've played on W][E over 1 year and that's what I get to say:

a)Very often character balances

b)Admins make it very hard for new players, every time it's harder, awesome -_-

c)Admins preffer donators over other people, donator clans have priveleges, one time when donators go their bums kicked too hard gm's just banned the clan that owned them, for real, this is corruption.

d)Eq and Pixel have hit their head too hard years ago.


If You want to play, but just pvp, never do any sieges/raids then please do so, otherwise just quit this lousy and unfair server, it's not worth it. In c6 it was playable, later on it became a very weird mutation and look where it stands in hopzone, W][E used to be nr 4.

  • 3 months later...
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