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I'm looking for some help about adapting NPCs between chronicles (I would also like to save each model in its own .ukx).


I'm pretty sure it has something with OAUKX, but how I may export .obj from already existing .ukx file? L2UKX gives me an error while trying to export .obj.


I have also tried to export .psk and .psa with umodel and save them to .ukx with UnrealED, but L2 gives me an error every time I try to load such a package.


So, may someone give me some advice, how to adapt NPCs between chronicles?

Posted (edited)

oaukx is for static objects (hats/decor npc/weapons) but you adapt npcs from using ut2004 system with the gildor patch


oaukx doesnt support psk or psa

Best answer along with best tool.

Edited by Gateway

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