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Protections Of L2Jserver


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Hello members of Mxc :D . I would like to have an idea regarding L2j protections . What protections should i have to my server to be protected from ddos attacks phx etc etc ?? . Cheap or expensive i dont mind . I am waiting for your replyes . :D

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DDoS Protection: Mostly HyperFilter.com but depends the company of the dedicated machine.

Bot Protection (L2Walker, L2Tower, L2Phx and such): LameGuard the best option.


Plus you need some protection for SQL Injection or such things.

Edited by Devlin
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Also for small/new servers they have their micro packages : Click Here


Works good, because if you don't have many players, it get cheap :) and once you grow then you can move to the enterprise level packages (this did not exist before, because these packages are brand new).

Edited by MXCDev
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