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Is This Might Be Bug?



Hello, I would like to ask (developers) about their opinion in this very strange case.


Is it possible that some characters might be created with 180 recs and 4 macros with GM commands like //killnpc, //teleport x y z in it (two other are also teleports signed with tp giran, aden and something else), without any intervention? I mean I've created character and have never played with it, after accidentally logging in after 10 days character got 180 recs, and those 4 macros, 3 of them already in skill bar. I've never touched it, character was with 1st level, so it's very weird. Macros obviously don't work but still.


Have you ever met with that kind of bug or mby this was gms intervention?


My first thought was maybe somehow character was created with another character template, but don't know if it's possible. Maybe character_id have something to do with it, couse it was one of the very first in server, what do you think?


PS. We are talking about Interlude, maybe someone met with the same bug.

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Very clearly you didn't truncate\clear your DB correctly before creating the first char on the server - and\or imported\created data in subtables macros\user_sociality etc.


It's clearly a DB issue - so don't waste time on it and just clean up when creating new worlds.

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