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Lasthero.java & Titlecolor.java From Fandc Pack



This is all i need from latest fandc revision datapack ,if someone can help me with these 2 files ,please add me on skype  sekhmet1995


This is friendly request and you will not expect $$ for just 2 files ,if you wish to help me ,go ahead! 

Edited by Karasu
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Im going to buy last fandc files soon or later but for now il stick with the older one!


Thank you much for titlecolor ;'p




About lasthero there is still this error ,even with the lasthero.java from latest revision lol!




From where this error comming? i can't find any method related to events.lasthero.lasthero.start in script (its not script fault but something on core? or core its not related at all with these .java scripts).


How do i call that method? i dont know which method is asking for ,there is nothing on script asking for this events.lasthero.lasthero.start :o


All i need is to fix this and there is nothing else i need for fandc except the fact that il buy the latest update when i will need for mid-rate ^^

Go GameServer.java and change the line LastHero.start() to LastHero.onLoad()

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