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L2Overdose Interlude base l2j 

#L2Overdose Info

-Captcha Anti Bot

-Olympiad Retail

-TvT+Color name + Kills: Title and fixed all bugs




TvT = join leave





And moree



# ================================================================
#                       Offline trade & craft
# ================================================================
# Enable or disable offline trade mode
# Default: False
OfflineTradeEnable = False
# Enable or disable offline craft mode
# Default: False
OfflineCraftEnable = False
# Offline name color
OfflineSetNameColor = True
OfflineNameColor = 808080
# Restore offline traders/crafters after restart/shutdown.
# Default: false.
RestoreOffliners = False
# Restore offline characters for X days
#Default: 10
OfflineMaxDays = 10
#Disconnect shop after finished selling, buying.
#Default: True
OfflineDisconnectFinished = True
#                  Protection L2OverDose
# Check skills on enter 
# This script delet inlegal skills from player 
CheckSkillsOnEnter = True
# If "CheckSkillsOnEnter = True" set whitch skills don't be deleted. 
AllowedSkills = 246,247,325,326,327,1323,1324,1325,1326,1327 
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod
AntiFarmEnabled = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally
AntiFarmParty = True
AntiFarmIP = True
AntiFarmClanAlly = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff
AntiFarmLvlDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# Alternative skill learn rules:
# - all classes can learn all skills
# - skills of another class costs x2 SP
# - skills of another race costs x2 SP
# - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP
AltGameSkillLearn = False
#                        Limits
# 1 - the speed limit conventional attack
# 2 - the speed limit magic attack
# 0 - do not put! 
MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500
MaxMAtkSpeed = 1600
# Limit normal crit (10 = 1%)
# Default: 500
MaxPCritRate = 500
# Limit the magic of Crete (10 = 1%)
# Default: 300
MaxMCritRate = 300
# if critical, damage = mcriticalPower*damage
MagicCriticalPower = 2.0
# An alternative calculation of damage skill daggers
# Divider damage. A large number - less damage.
DaggerDamage = 1.00
# This is a run speed modifier, set the default to 0 if you
# want this option disabled.
# Example:
# Setting this to 10 will increase a characters running
# speed by 10. Say normal is 100, now
# with this option enabled it is 110.
RunSpeedBoost = 0
# Maximum character running speed.
# Retail: 250
MaxRunSpeed = 250
#                     Character
#Player Can Heal Raid Bosses
PlayersCanHealRb = False
# Allow Direct Teleport To Boss Rooms
# If you put true the player can go on BOSS_ZONE without Quests
# If you put false the player will teleported on near town
# Default: False
AllowDirectTeleportToBossRoom= True
# This option is to enable or disable for normal players can hit NPC.
# NOTE: There's A Possibility That This Config. Will Reduce Game Lag
# Retail: True
PlayerHitNpc = True
# Announce Hero Name At Login
# This sctipt will announce when Hero login.
AnnounceHeroLogin = True
#Announce Castle Lord-Thanks Dario!
AnnounceCastleLords = True
# Custom hero subclass skill
# Allow you to add the hero skills to all subclasses
# CustomHeroSubSkill is the allow/disallow
# HeroCount means how many times the player needs to be a hero in row
CustomHeroSubSkill = True
#QuakeSystem-Thanks Dario!
QuakeSystem = True
PvPCount1 = 4
PvPCount2 = 6
PvPCount3 = 8
PvPCount4 = 10
PvPCount5 = 12
PvPCount6 = 14
PvPCount7 = 16
PvPCount8 = 18
PvPCount9 = 20
PvPCount10 = 24
PvPAnnounce1 = is Dominating!
PvPAnnounce2 = is on a Rampage!
PvPAnnounce3 = is on a Killing Spree!
PvPAnnounce4 = is on a Monster Kill!
PvPAnnounce5 = is Unstoppable!
PvPAnnounce6 = is on an Ultra Kill!
PvPAnnounce7 = is Godlike!
PvPAnnounce8 = is Wicked Sick!
PvPAnnounce9 = is on a Ludricrous Kill!
PvPAnnounce10 = is on a Holy Shit!
# Low level char killing protection 
# If enabled players can pvp only in the same grade 
# 0-19,20-39,40-51,52-60,61-76,76-85 
AllowLowLvlProtect = True
ClanLeaderNameColorEnabled = True
ClanLeaderColor = FF00FF
ClanLeaderColorAtClanLevel = 8
# Color Where?
# 1 - Name
# 2 - Title
ClanLeaderColored = 2
# Set this option to True to enable custom titles on new chars.
# Replace "Equal" with the custom start tittle you want.
CharTitle = True
CharAddTitle = Vote For Us
# Allow custom starting lvl False by default
# lvl 80 and 100% instantly
AllowCustomStartLvl = True
CustomStartLvl = 80
# Set this to True if you want to add a custom spawn location for ALL new characters.
CustomSpawn = True
SpawnX = 83148
SpawnY = 147698
SpawnZ = -3469
# Leave buffs on die, if false the effects will be not stopped on die
LeaveBuffsOnDie = False
# Heavy Equipment Restriction
# IF False , Dagger Classes Won't Be Able To Use Heavy Armors
AllowDaggersUseHeavy = True
# IF False , Archer Classes Won't Be Able To Use Heavy Armors
AllowArchersUseHeavy = True
# IF Set To True Then , When Someone Presses .online He Gets a Message Like 
# There Are x Players Online! ( x is the Number Of Players That Are Currently On >.< )
AllowOnlineCommand = True
# When you change/add subclass the weapon is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveWeaponSubclass = True
# When you change/add subclass the chest is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveChestSubclass = True
# When you change/add subclass the leg is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveLegSubclass = True
#Disable Bow for classes: write here classes id 
#that you dnt want allow to use BOW. Class id examples,
#you can find others into char_templates database table
# e.g. DisableBowForClasses=107,110
DisableBowForClasses = 113,90,98,114,46,5,106,33,99,20,91,6
# Allow player to add/change subclass at all village master
# Default: False
AltSubclassEverywhere = True
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scheme Buffer
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable / Disable Feature
# Default vale: False
NPCBufferEnabled = True
# Max schemes that a player can store. Please, do not use too big values
# Default value: 4 (one per subclass...)
NPCBufferMaxSchemesPerChar = 4
# Max skills that a player can store in each scheme. Please, do not use too big values.
# This value should match to max buffs a player can carry
# Default value: 24 (max buffs are 20+4 in retail)
NPCBufferMaxSkllsperScheme = 36
# This enables/disables storing character schemes at server shutdown to database
# Default = True
NPCBufferStoreSchemes = True
# This is to bypasss SQL Adena amount reference so that you can set the same cost for all
# or even setting them for free.
# Free = 0
# Disabled = -1 (if you want to read adena from SQL)
# Default value: -1
NPCBufferStaticCostPerBuff = 0
# ---------------------------------------
# Change Name's Color Via PvP's
# ---------------------------------------
# Each Amount will change the name color to the values defined here.
# Example: PvpAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change
# according to the ColorForAmount value.
# Note: Colors Must Use RGB format
EnablePvPColorSystem = True
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 1.
PvpAmount1 = 100
ColorForAmount1 = FFF000
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 2.
PvpAmount2 = 250
ColorForAmount2 = FF1199
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 3.
PvpAmount3 = 500
ColorForAmount3 = FF2400
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 4.
PvpAmount4 = 1500
ColorForAmount4 = 00FF00
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 5.
PvpAmount5 = 2500
ColorForAmount5 = 00FFFF
# ---------------------------------------
# Change Title's Color Via Pk's
# ---------------------------------------
# Same as above, with the difference that the PK counter changes the title color.
# Example:  PkAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change
# according to the Title For Amount
# WAN: Colors Must Use RGB format
EnablePkColorSystem = False
# Pk Amount & Title color level 1.
PkAmount1 = 500
TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 2.
PkAmount2 = 1000
TitleForAmount2 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 3.
PkAmount3 = 1500
TitleForAmount3 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 4.
PkAmount4 = 2500
TitleForAmount4 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 5.
PkAmount5 = 5000
TitleForAmount5 = 00FF00
#       Custom Noblesse Item Configuration                    =                                 
# Noble Custom Item Configuration.
# Item Id = 6673.
# When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Noble Status.
EnableNobleCustomItem = True
NItemID = 6673
SubClassNeededToUseNobleCustomItem = True
#       Banking Command Configuration                         =                                 
# To enable banking system set this value to true, default is false.
BankingEnabled = True
# This is the amount of Goldbars someone will get when they do the .deposit command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .withdraw
BankingGoldbarCount = 1
# This is the amount of Adena someone will get when they do the .withdraw command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .deposit
BankingAdenaCount = 500000000
#                        AIO System
EnableAioSystem = True
# Enable / Disable Name Color
AllowAioNameColor = True
AioNameColor = 88AA88
# Enable / Disable Title Color
AllowAioTitleColor = True
AioTitleColor = 88AA88
# List of Aio Skills
# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;
AioSkills = 1085,3;1304,3;1087,3;1354,1;1062,2;1243,6;1045,6;1048,6;163,1;\
# Custom item for AIO
AllowAIOItem = True
# ID of the item that will be given to AIO
# Default: Keshanberk*Keshanberk
ItemIdAio = 5233
#                     Auto Vote Reward
# Enable vote system
EnableVoteSystem = True
# Votes required for reward.
VotesRequiredForReward = 5
# Votes system initial delay.
VotesSystemInitialDelay = 120000
# Votes system step delay.
VotesSystemStepDelay = 600000
# Reward (item, count).
# Example: 6392,20;5575,10000
VotesHopZoneRewards = 9595,5;
VotesTopZoneRewards = 9595,5;
# Site URL.
# Leave empty to disable one site if you need just one of these.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Team vs. Team Event Engine (by FBIagent)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <u><b><font color="red">WARNING: this mod require custom NPC table support turned on !</font></b></u>
# CustomNpcTable = True in General.properties
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable TvTEvent System
TvTEventEnabled = True
# Times TvT will occur (24h format).
TvTEventInterval = 1:30,3:30,5:30,7:30,9:30,10:30,12:30,14:30,16:30,17:30,00:30
# Registration timer from start of event (in minutes).
TvTEventParticipationTime = 10
# Event running time (in minutes).
TvTEventRunningTime = 10
# TvT Event NPC (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc).
TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 50009
# TvT Event Participation Fee (itemId, number). Fee is not returned.
# Example: 57,100000
# Default = none
TvTEventParticipationFee = 0,0
# Location for TvTEvent NPC to spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]
TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 116454,76018,-2728
# Min/Max amount of players allowed in each team.
TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1
TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 200
# Min/Max level of players that may join the event.
TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 76
TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 80
# Repsawn and exit delay timers (in seconds).
TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10
TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10
# First Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
TvTEventTeam1Name = Angels
TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 83696,255098,-11671
# Second Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
TvTEventTeam2Name = Demons
TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 87508,259029,-11676
# Reward for winning team.
# Example: TvTEventReward = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount
TvTEventReward = 6393,10
# TvTEvent Rules
TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True
TvTEventScrollsAllowed = False
TvTEventPotionsAllowed = False
TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = False
# Door ID's to open/close on start/end.
# Example: TvTDoorsToOpen = 1;2;3;4;5;6
TvTDoorsToOpen = 
TvTDoorsToClose = 
# Should both teams get reward if there's a tie?
TvTRewardTeamTie = False
# Participant's effects handling on teleport/death.
# Effects lasting through death never removed.
# 0 - always remove all effects.
# 1 - remove all effects only during port to event (noblesse blessing can be used)
# 2 - never remove any effect
# Default: 0
TvTEventEffectsRemoval = 0
# Fighter-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1
TvTEventFighterBuffs = 1204,2;1068,3;1086,2;1062,1
# Mage-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3
TvTEventMageBuffs = 1204,2;1062,1;1059,3;1085,3
# Allow Voiced command (.tvtjoin/.tvtleave)
# During TVT Event Registration time to allow players register/unregister from event.
# Default: False
TvTAllowRegisterVoicedCommand = True
# Enable Dual Box protection.
# Default: False
TvTEnableDualBoxProtection = True
# Restore player position before TvT Event start.
# Default: True
TvTRestorePlayerOldPosition = True
# Define if TvTEvent will reward everyone or only players who have killed 1 or more.
# Default: False
TvTRewardOnlyKillers = True
# Allow TvT Participant's to attack and be attacked in Peace Zones?
# Default: True
TvTAllowPeaceAttack = True
# Restore CP, HP and MP after Join/Revive?
# Default: False
TvTRestoreCPHPMP = False


#  ______ _  __                         _                                                        
# |  ____| |/ _|                       | |                                                       
# | |__  | | |_ ___   ___ _ __ __ _ ___| |__                                                     
# |  __| | |  _/ _ \ / __| '__/ _` / __| '_ \                                                    
# | |____| | || (_) | (__| | | (_| \__ \ | | |                                                   
# |______|_|_| \___/ \___|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|            _                    _                 
# \ \    / /  | |                                        | |                  | |                
#  \ \  / /__ | |_ ___     _ __ _____      ____ _ _ __ __| |     ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___  
#   \ \/ / _ \| __/ _ \   | '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _` |    / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ 
#    \  / (_) | ||  __/   | | |  __/\ V  V / (_| | | | (_| |    \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
#     \/ \___/ \__\___|   |_|  \___| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|    |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
#                                                                     __/ |                      
#                                                                    |___/                       
# The characters will have a choice between 3 rewards.Set id for them
VoteRewardId1 = 9595
# Set the amount of each reward.
VoteRewardAmount1 = 20
# Set the seconds that the character has
# until he votes in the site's banners
SecondsToVote = 30
# Amount of votes a character must collect
# in order to get the 4th vote reward
ExtraRewVoteAm = 20
# PM ME Here
# add Skype:la2neon1
Edited by fofas™

this guy l2neon is absoludly unskilled on java it's just a modified l2j pack also l2j have stoped working on interlude 2 years now and the bugs are so mutch same on balance , if you want the real overdose files pm stefoulis i dont thing he will share or sell them.Also i prefer a free version of acis indeed of this files.


this guy l2neon is absoludly unskilled on java it's just a modified l2j pack also l2j have stoped working on interlude 2 years now and the bugs are so mutch same on balance , if you want the real overdose files pm stefoulis i dont thing he will share or sell them.Also i prefer a free version of acis indeed of this files.

Cause i was on L2Overdose Team too.. Only him got Overdose files..


This pack got a lot fixes and rework quests/raid boss

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