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Elo Boost And Coaching Lessons! Low Prices And Max Safety!


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Hello Mxc,

i would like to inform you about our company and the services we offer.

We are a growing company that offers elo boosts services and coaching lessons.

Our first priority is your safety and we give you guaranteed results.

And by guarantee results i mean that if you don't take what you have been promised we give you double your money back.

So lets see how both our services works!

Elo Boost.

-we boost you to the desired league.

-we  fix your mmr

**mmr fixing and elo boost are two different services**

Coaching Lessons

Coaching lessons is a great way to learn the secrets of the game and see what you are doing wrong and keeps you from climbing the ladders.

 In these lessons you talk with one of our Diamond players (all of our players are diamond  3 and higher), about everything (runes, masteries, picks-counterpicks, when to freeze a lane, when to gank etc).

After you have set up your runes and masteries you will play a game and the "coach" will spectate the game and he will tell you what went wrong and what went well.

After that the coach will play the same champion and the same role and you will spectate him and he will explain what is he doing and why.

We offer two different kind of lessons, general and specific.

General lessons includes: basic information about the game and basic information about a lane.

Specific lessons includes: basic and advanced information about the game, advanced tactics and how the work, basic and advanced tips for a specific lane.

Prices for elo boost

The price of a boost depends on:

1.how much higher you want to go

2. how many points you get per win

3.the payment method (for more information about payment methods look in the end of the post).

**For a having a general idea of how much a division costs, the price is 10-15 Euros depending on the 3 things we talked above.***

Prices for Coaching Lessons

Basic lessons= 5-6 Euros per hour

Specific lessons 9-10 Euros per hour

Payment methods

We currently accepting Bank Transfer and Paysafe Cards as payment methods.

***If you decide to pay with Paysafe Cards the price is higher***


If you want to order or having any questions you can contact us:

email: grivasgx@gmail.com

skype: giorgosthoul90

***Contact Languages= English, Greek***


Our services are available right now on: Europe West, Europe Nordic and East.

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