1º - which is the code for when a player talks to an npc and the npc shows the player's name in text. I used to have idea that it was %target or $target or something like that... But its not working
2º - Is there any list or anyway i can find out which code's exist like this ones L2UI_CH3.refinewnd_back_Pattern, L2UI_CT1.Button_DF, L2UI.SquareGray etc etc... Basicly all the L2UI. codes.
Don't you realize that every time you attack me, the only ones who lose are you? hahaha
I guess someday you're going to educate yourself and know who's in charge.
gg ultra.
Hi guys, can anybody help me in 2 situations?
1º - which is the code for when a player talks to an npc and the npc shows the player's name in text. I used to have idea that it was %target or $target or something like that... But its not working
2º - Is there any list or anyway i can find out which code's exist like this ones L2UI_CH3.refinewnd_back_Pattern, L2UI_CT1.Button_DF, L2UI.SquareGray etc etc... Basicly all the L2UI. codes.
Thank you guys.
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