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Problhma Me Teleport Boss



kalispera paidia exw file l2jfrozen kai exw problhma mikro pixi na sas pw exw ena npc kai evw valei ta boss valaka kai ta sxetika

leipon dialego na paw valakas alla me vgazei apeksw kai giana mpw mesa sto valakas prepei na kanw quest pws mporw na to alaksw pixi na min kanw quest na einai aftomata to boss mesa kai otan pataw sto npc valakas na me vazei mesa akrivos..afto isxi kai giata alla ta boss..kai ena deftero 8ema pou exw 8elw na ta valw na vgenoune ka8e mia wra...deste tis photo akrivos to problhma pou exw

stin proti oikona dialego na paw valakas deste



kai stin defteri oikona me exei apeksw apo to valakas kai prepei na kanw quest


kai opws eipa prein 8elw na vgalw to quest kai na pataw kai na mpenw katef8ian kai na vlepw on to boss

kai na vgenei ka8e mia wrra

14 answers to this question

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Gia na katafereis na mpei ston Valakas Prwton prepei na valeis to Teleport ekso apo to Npc p ine sto Wall of Flames ekei pera dineis to Quest item gia ton Antharas Den thimame akrivos to ID ine quest item pantos to dineis se auton akoutheis tin diadromi millas stin kardia ekei kai mpeneis mesa

Mporeis apla na valeis to Quest Item sto Gm Shop den xriazete na kaneis olo to quest To location tou teleport sou omws ine lathos den tha mpeis pote etsi

Prepei na milliseis sto Npc p s ipa

  • 0

nai 8elw pixi omws na min kaneis quest na patas kai na mpeneis katev8ian apo to npc teleport giata boss kai na einai on pixi na sou pw ena server sto l2damage to exei etsi xoreis quest dialegeis kai mpeneis mesa kai einia on to boss kai bgenei ka8e mia wra

  • 0

anoikse ta custom_teleports kai vres ta teleports pou einai gia ta boss


stin sunexeia alakse ta X_Y_Z


apo to Queen ANT 


X=-21228 Y=184446 Z=5722




X=16471 Y=109031 Z=-6488




X=54067 Y=17778 Z=-5489




X=112933 Y=15181 Z=10077





54862 Y=218697 Z=-3225




X=180822 Y=114481 Z=-7665




X=214914 Y=-117074 Z=-1636
  • 0

gia na kaneis teleport direct sto rb prepei prwta na pas sto config tou raidboss(an exeis frozen) kai na kaneis auto

 Allow Direct Teleport To Boss Rooms
# If you put true the player can go on BOSS_ZONE without Quests
# If you put false the player will teleported on near town
# Default: False
AllowDirectTeleportToBossRoom= True

 meta bazeis ta cords tou teleport sthn gk kai eisai gg

  • 0

efxaristo para poly giatis erwtisis alla kati den kserw pws 8a ta ri8miso akrivos diladi to teleport diladi pws 8a to alaksw mporei kapoios na mou eksigisi pou 8a vro na kanw to editor teleport  kai na valw ta cords to teleport opws less

  • 0

anoigeis to HTML apo tin GK kai tha einai etsi



<button value="~ Go to Queen Ant ~" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 1000001"


to 1000001 einai to ID opwte pas navicat sto table teleport i custom_teleport kai psaxneis to ID 

kai meta allazeis ta X Y Z me auta pou sou edwsa poio panw kai eisai komple 

  • 0
Posted (edited)

tsekare ean to pack pou exeis exei configs.

diladi na einai kapws etsi

# ========== #
#  Antharas  #
# ========== #
# Delay of appearance time of Antharas. Value is minute. Range 3-60
AntharasWaitTime = 10
# Interval time of Antharas. Value is hour. Range 1-192
IntervalOfAntharasSpawn = 192
RandomOfAntharasSpawn = 145

ean den exei grapse //spawn valakas 1 60

1 = posa valakas na gunontai spawn 

kai to 60 einai to time respawn (se seconds)

Edited by ExCaLiBuR®
  • 0

#             Bosses Configuration        #


# Pack: l2jfrozen Site: www.l2jfrozen.com #



# If True: Player can heal RB

# If False: Player can't heal RB

# Default: True

PlayersCanHealRb = True


# Return GrandBosses/RaidBosses to spawnpoint

# ATTENTION: if specific boss lock rage is defined, it has

# major priority then this one.

# Default: 5000

RBlockRage = 5000


# Return Specific RB to spawnpoint. In order to define specific

# ranges, it's necessary to define a string as BossId,Range;BossId,Range;

# Optionally, it's possible to disable the range check with value -1. 

# Example: RaidBossesSpecificLockRage = 29028,10000;29019,-1; to have

# Valakas 10k as range and no range check for Interlude Antharas.

RaidBossesSpecificLockRage = 29028,-1;29019,-1;29020,-1;29022,-1;29014,-1;29045,-1;29046,-1;29047,-1;


# Raid boss stats (PAtk,Pdef,etc..) based just on Database Values

# and without STR,WIT,CON,MEN,INT,DEX influences.

# ATTENTION: enabling this option, raids could be simple to kill,

# check your database to increase their stats..


# True: All RaidBoss and Grandboss haven't the Bonus of Stats. (Easy to kill)

# False: All RaidBoss and Grandboss have the Bonus of Stats. (Hard to kill)

# Default: False

AltRaidsStatsBonus = True


# Allow Direct Teleport To Boss Rooms

# If you put true the player can go on BOSS_ZONE without Quests

# If you put false the player will teleported on near town

# Default: False

AllowDirectTeleportToBossRoom= False


# Grand Boss Info is a NPCthat shows respawnTime of RB

# First you must import Custom NPC sql/custom/added_custom_npc.sql

# ID NPC: 93000

# Raid Info IDs showed



# -----------------

#  Antharas -

# -----------------

# If true, the Interlude Script is used, meanwhile if you want new

# script feature (different Antharas Instances since weak to strong

# Antharas as for Freya) just set false

AntharasOldScript = true

# Time to close the entrance after the first teleport the player.

# The value in seconds.

AntharasClose = 1200

# Time to wait until Antharas despawn without fighting it. Value in minutes.


# Time Antharas respawn after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

AntharasRespFirst = 18

AntharasRespSecond = 24

# Wait minutes

AntharasWaitTime = 3

# Antharas Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# --------------

#  Baium -

# --------------

# Time left Baium into hibernation after the last attack on him.

# The value in seconds.

BaiumSleep = 1800

# Time respawn Bayoumi after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

BaiumRespFirst = 1

BaiumRespSecond = 1

# Baium Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# -----------

#  Core -

# -----------

# Time minion respawn after their murder.

# The value in seconds.

CoreRespMinion = 60

# Time respawn core after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

CoreRespFirst = 33

CoreRespSecond = 8

#Default 0=retail

CoreLevel = 0

CoreRingChance = 0

# Core Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail




# -----------

#  Zaken -

# -----------

# Time respawn core after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

ZakenRespFirst = 1

ZakenRespSecond = 1

# Default 0=retail

ZakenLevel = 80

ZakenEarringChance = 0

# Zaken Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# -----------

#  Orfen -

# -----------

# Time respawn core after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

OrfenRespFirst = 20

OrfenRespSecond = 8

# Default 0=retail

OrfenLevel = 0

OrfenEarringChance = 0

# Orfen Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# -----------

#  Valakas -

# -----------

# Time respawn valakas after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

ValakasRespFirst = 01

ValakasRespSecond = 01

# Time to wait into Valakas lair until his spawn once entered with quest. Value in minutes.


# Time to wait until Valakas despawn without fighting it. Value in minutes.




# --------------------

#  Queen Ant -

# -------------------

# Time minion respawn after their murder.

# The value in seconds.

# Nurses

QueenAntRespNurse = 1

# Royal Guard

QueenAntRespRoyal = 1

# QA respawn time after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

QueenAntRespFirst = 1

QueenAntRespSecond = 1

# Default 0=retail

QALevel = 80

QARingChance = 0

# QA Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# --------------------

#  Frintezza -

# -------------------

# Frintezza respawn time after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

FrintezzaRespFirst = 48

FrintezzaRespSecond = 8

# Frintezza Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# Minimum Parties Number to enter into Frintezza


# Maximum Parties Number to enter into Frintezza


# Bypass Frintezza Enter Parties checks



# Raid Bosses minions will increase them power based on this multiplier

# in this mode: power = retail_power * ((level_diff/10)*LevelDiffMultiplier)

LevelDiffMultiplierMinion = 0.5


# --------------------------------------

#  High Priest van Halter -

# --------------------------------------

# Time for the High Priest van Halter.

# Value in seconds. Interval 300-864000

# The time taken from random FixIntervalOfVanHalter before FixIntervalOfVanHalter + RandomIntervalOfVanHalter. 

FixIntervalOfHalter = 172800

RandomIntervalOfHalter = 86400

# Delay before the High Priest van Halter.

# The value in seconds in the interval 5-60

AppTimeOfHalter = 20

# Time Activity High Priest van Halter.

# The value in seconds in the interval 7200-86400

ActivityTimeOfHalter = 21600

# Battle with High Priest van Halter.

# The value in seconds in the interval 7200-21600

FightTimeOfHalter = 7200

# Of spawn Royal Guard Helper calling.

# The value in the interval 1-6

CallRoyalGuardHelperCount = 6

# The value in seconds in the interval 1-60

CallRoyalGuardHelperInterval = 10

# Interval opening / closing the doors of the altar.

# The value in seconds in the interval 60-5400

IntervalOfDoorOfAlter = 5400

# Time of closing the doors of the altar after some one zashol.

# The value in seconds in the interval 60-600

TimeOfLockUpDoorOfAltar = 180

  • 0

ti den katalavenw pixi 8elw to red boss olla na vgenoune ka8e 1 wra kai defteron otan 8a kanw teleport pixi sto valakas i se opio allo boss 8elw na einai on ekini ti stigmh na min perimeno 1 lepto giana dw to video to pws vgenei o valakas o antharas kai sto ka8e ti ekseis dilad i

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