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Check This Pc Build Out! Good Or Not? (Need Help!)

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BTW why you want to spent money n' buy this aftermarket cooler ? I mean fx 8350 comes with this as stock cooler dunno you may win -7~3°C.


I didn't know that fx 8350 has his own cooler... Is it good or I should buy a new one?


I didn't know that fx 8350 has his own cooler... Is it good or I should buy a new one?

Temperatures are fine, but it's noisy if you reach full load.If you want to overclock you can go with this cooler.It's cheap and its a beast.


You should go intel... And i am pretty sure that GT640 is pretty much old...


Can't tell about Intel or AMD, but for sure, regarding the VGA, all that matters is frequencies (RAM/Core), not chip date.


Can't tell about Intel or AMD, but for sure, regarding the VGA, all that matters is frequencies (RAM/Core), not chip date.


Can you show me a good gpu in your opinion?

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