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@echo off
@color 0A
title L2NextGen GameServer
echo %DATE% %TIME% Game server is running !!! > gameserver_is_running.tmp
echo Starting L2NextGen Game Server.
REM set PATH="type here your path to java jdk/jre (including bin folder)"
REM Default parameters for a basic server.

REM ======== Optimize memory settings =======
REM Minimal size with geodata is 1.5G, w/o geo 1G
REM Make sure -Xmn value is always 1/4 the size of -Xms and -Xmx.
REM -Xms<size>	set initial Java heap size
REM -Xmx<size>	set maximum Java heap size
REM -Xmn<size>	Size of young generation
REM ===============================
REM Set heap min/max to same size for consistent results
REM одинаковый размер памяти для Xms и Xmx, JVM пытается удержать размер heap'а минимальным, и если его нужно меньше, чем в Xmx - гоняет GC понапрасну
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -Xms4096m
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -Xmx4096m

REM Non Heap memory
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:PermSize=512m
REM Maximum size of the permanent generation.
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:MaxPermSize=640m

REM Garbage collector/Performance Options
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+UseParNewGC
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+UseBiasedLocking
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+EliminateLocks
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor=50
REM Number of garbage collector threads for the parallel young generation collections and for the parallel parts of the old generation collections
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:ParallelGCThreads=10
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:ParallelCMSThreads=5

SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+AggressiveOpts
REM Default size of new generation
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:NewSize=512m
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:MaxNewSize=1024m
REM instructs the VM to set a 2:1 ratio between young and tenured generations (Ratio of new/old generation sizes)
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:NewRatio=2
REM Sets survivor space ratio to 1:8, resulting in larger survivor spaces (the smaller the ratio, the larger the space). Larger survivor spaces allow short lived objects a longer time period to die in the young generation
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
REM Allows 80% of the survivor spaces to be occupied instead of the default 50%, allowing better utilization of the survivor space memory.
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=50
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=5

SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80

REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

REM The important setting in 64-bits with the Sun JVM is -XX:+UseCompressedOops as it saves memory and improves performance
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+UseCompressedOops
SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods

REM Logging
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+PrintGCDetails
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -XX:+PrintGC
REM SET java_opts=%java_opts% -Xloggc:./log/game/garbage_collector.log

SET java_settings=%java_settings% -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
SET java_settings=%java_settings% -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
SET java_settings=%java_settings% -Dl2nextgen.library=./lib
SET java_settings=%java_settings% -Xbootclasspath/p:./lib/jsr166.jar

java -server %java_settings% %java_opts% -cp ./lib/*;l2nserver.jar l2n.game.GameServer

if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
goto end
echo L2NGame: Administrator Restarting.
goto start
echo L2NGame: Server terminated abnormally.
echo L2NGame: Server terminated.
del gameserver_is_running.tmp


εψαξα ολο το forum αλλα δεν με βοηθησε κατι , καποιος που να γνωριζει κατι!


μου λεει πως δεν εχω αρκετο Vm!

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εψαξα σε φορουμ και διαβασα οτι αυτο γινεται συνηθως οταν κανεις update το java αλλα μου φαινεται παραλογο.

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java 7 εχω στο pc αλλα σκεφτομαι οτι τα αρχεια τα εχω 2 χρονια εαν δοκιμασω να βαλω java 6 ισως το τρεξει αλλα δεν ξερω μου φαινεται ανουσιο.

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    • Good day! Due to the increasing number of questions, "Do you provide services for the client?" - I decided to answer with a separate topic. I provide services for editing/modifying the client and individual files, namely: 1. Transfer/Creation/Editing locations, geodata.   2. All kinds of work with NPCs, including transfer, animation, adding effects to them and logos.   3. Actually, Transfer/Creation/Edit any EFFECTS, including Abnormal Effects.   4. Any work with weapons, armor, accessories and everything related to it.   5. Create or edit textures, including dynamic textures.   6. Creating a Lobby Screen, Lobby Char Selection (character selection window) and Lobby Char Creation (character creation window). What I don't do: 1. Coding in any form (except for CB).   I started publishing my work recently, here - YouTube And here - RuTube If required, I respect confidentiality. Any other questions? Welcome to Telegram or PM.
    • 🎮https://discord.gg/yyVRtna9RB 🌎https://l2-forever.com L2 Forever was the best mid rates PvP server back in C4 and C5 and we want to give players the same experience with Interlude!   # L2-Forever * EXP: 50x * Adena: 200x * Spoil: 5x * Drops: 5x   # ENCHANTS *Safe Enchant : 3 *Max. Enchant : 20 *Normal Scroll chance : 65% *Blessed Scroll chance : 70%   # NEW PLAYERS * Start with Coupons allowing you to get free top D-grade * Start at level 20 * Main Town Giran Harbor   # BOOSTED AREA'S * Execution Grounds [ 20 - 40] * Cruma Tower [40-52] * Antharas Lair [52-61] * Antharas Heart [61-80] * Giran Harbor - Shopping Area   # END GAME FARMING AREAS * Monastery of Silence and Primeval Island customized for group farm # PLATINUM ARMORS * Platinum Armors get dropped by raids, allowing everyone to obtain a set and not only donators * Many Raids all over the L2 world drop parts of the Platinum Armors   # BUFFS * Buff duration is set at 1 hour for normal buffs (Buffs and Songs / Dances) * Town Buffers in all main towns with all available buffs Giran Harbor (GH) is the place to be for all your trades and item needs! Platinum Armors   # FOREVER ITEMS * Unique Forever weapons & armors # UNIQUE L2 FOREVER AUGMENTATION SYSTEM * We don't use retail augmentations, we use our own unique system and glows!   # OTHER CUSTOM FEATURES * Global Gatekeeper * NPC Class Changer * Auction House * Unique Augmenter * Subclass with Adena or from Cabrio * Nobless - Barakiel * Useless S weapon Special abilities like (Cheap shot) are changed
    • 🎮https://discord.gg/yyVRtna9RB 🌎https://l2-forever.com L2 Forever was the best mid rates PvP server back in C4 and C5 and we want to give players the same experience with Interlude!   # L2-Forever * EXP: 50x * Adena: 200x * Spoil: 5x * Drops: 5x   # ENCHANTS *Safe Enchant : 3 *Max. Enchant : 20 *Normal Scroll chance : 65% *Blessed Scroll chance : 70%   # NEW PLAYERS * Start with Coupons allowing you to get free top D-grade * Start at level 20 * Main Town Giran Harbor   # BOOSTED AREA'S * Execution Grounds [ 20 - 40] * Cruma Tower [40-52] * Antharas Lair [52-61] * Antharas Heart [61-80] * Giran Harbor - Shopping Area   # END GAME FARMING AREAS * Monastery of Silence and Primeval Island customized for group farm # PLATINUM ARMORS * Platinum Armors get dropped by raids, allowing everyone to obtain a set and not only donators * Many Raids all over the L2 world drop parts of the Platinum Armors   # BUFFS * Buff duration is set at 1 hour for normal buffs (Buffs and Songs / Dances) * Town Buffers in all main towns with all available buffs Giran Harbor (GH) is the place to be for all your trades and item needs! Platinum Armors   # FOREVER ITEMS * Unique Forever weapons & armors # UNIQUE L2 FOREVER AUGMENTATION SYSTEM * We don't use retail augmentations, we use our own unique system and glows!   # OTHER CUSTOM FEATURES * Global Gatekeeper * NPC Class Changer * Auction House * Unique Augmenter * Subclass with Adena or from Cabrio * Nobless - Barakiel * Useless S weapon Special abilities like (Cheap shot) are changed
    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/uthciha-services https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
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