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completly out of situation


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so lets start        create a folder on your desktop  when u create it dont do anything else press alt all the time and then from the num pad press 0160 then click somewhere else on your desktop and the file has no name then u right click then folder go to properties then go to change the icon i dont remember tab's name but its the third  u role the picture and u gonna find 4 of em that are white choose one press ok  and there it is but u cant see it so put it somewhere u will remember :P :P

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so lets start        create a folder on your desktop  when u create it dont do anything else press alt all the time and then from the num pad press 0160 then click somewhere else on your desktop and the file has no name then u right click then folder go to properties then go to change the icon i dont remember tab's name but its the third  u role the picture and u gonna find 4 of em that are white choose one press ok  and there it is but u cant see it so put it somewhere u will remember :P :P

Hey that rocked hard! But why the hell did you posted in exploits section??
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cuz on any other section it wouldnt be seen  sry but it was really cool and  i wanted u to know it 2 and admin dont tell me u didnt try it :P sry again but its really awesome :D and i said its complitely out of 8ema(dont remember how to say that in english :D :D :D :D :D :D)


and whats with the karma i dont get it

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