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First of all i should make clear that this topic is meant to be for both advertising and feedback (mostly i need feedback right now). I am trying to make a fun & unique server by removing and changing some aspects of the game. Mostly i revert a lot of things to the condition they were when lineage 2 was in the hellbound & epilogue era. (and even in C4)


To cut to the point here is what make my server different from any other high five pvp server. Its quite the risk because i have asked several people that did something similar in the recent past and they all told me it wont work. Anyway since i have nothing to loose i though i will give it a try.


Lets start.


Maximum Armors Dynasty - Maximum Weapons Icarus.

Why?  :y u no?:


Because i loved when these were the top items in Hellbound. Also Dynasty is the best looking armor of all, even elegia wich is the same design sux in comparison. Also Dynasty Armors have a big variety in different armor types wich makes them more versatile.

High Five Skills Disabled.

Why?  :y u no?:


Because i have seen people hating them, i hate some of them too especially the rush & rush impact skills on some classes.


Maximum Level for main class and subclasses 80.

Why?  :y u no?:


Because most of the things i explained above wont work if there isnt a level 80 limit. Also dont worry about level 81,82 and 83 forgotten scroll skills. They will all be auto learned when you hit level 80.


No Olympiad Games.

Why?  :y u no?:  :alone:  :( :'(


Because in high rate and pvp servers when the Olympiad Period is over everyone leaves the server wether they got hero status or not. I still quite dont understand why that happens.


Most likely i will allow Olympiad Games but when the period is over nobody will be taking the Hero Status and skills. It will work like a mini pvp event thing  with cool rewards for the winners.


No Attribute System.

Why?  :y u no?:


Because in high five it has become useless. Its just another reason for people to grind and waste valuable pvp time.


Normal scrolls chance: 60% | Blessed scrolls chance: 100% | Max all items +15 | Safe +5.

Normal scrolls with 60% chance will be sold for adena in the GM Shop making them available to everybody.

Blessed Scrolls with 100% chance will be obtainable only by Events wether is the mini events based around the olympiad games or the standard TvT event engine.

Why?  :y u no?:


I guess things like that are the way they are you know. You still have a chance to reach maximum enchant on your own, but if you want to cut cornerns you must become active in community events such as the tvt and mini pvp events.


Some of the things above is still work in progress but you get the gist.


My question now is, would a server like that interest you?


Please complaint,flame etc. I want my topic bumped anyway.  :troll:


No, i wouldn't.


All the mentioned things should be enabled in the server otherwise just make one more interlude server with dynasty armor.

Also the max enchant is way too high, making the game star wars like.


If those events were customized so its not equal to the standard TvT and Oly as we know it, it would be interesting to me! I think the big problem right now with Oly is that 70% of the players stay in towns and wait for their oly fights. When the oly period ends, they get the result of the month/weeks and they can leave to try another server, to see if they hit the top there.


So keep players away from registreing different solo events, and there will be much more fun arround the map!


On my previous server in every olympiad period end i was loosing at least 10-20 players. I dont think Olympiad Games should be enabled on small servers. I think its better suited for very high population servers. Thats why i want to remove the hero status and turn Oly into a mini 1vs1 event thing, with cool rewards etc.


I am also a fun of low enchant limits, but this time i want to use a bit higher ones for a change.

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