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FACEBOOK: How to inbox people from anyones account

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Step 1: First off you will need to pick 2 people from your friends list. One will be the inbox sender and one will be the reciever.

Lets say we picked Nicolas for the inbox sender and Piris for the reciever.


Step 2: Since nicolas is sending the inbox we need to get his Facebook login email. Go to their profile and click on about.. wait.. what's this? Their login email is hidden? Well we're going to have to use something else to get their email.. hmm.. I got it!


Note: Their login email is not their @facebook.com email.


Step 3: Since their email may be hidden we need to use something else to get it. Go to Yahoo.com and login with Facebook. Once you have set it all up click import contacts from Facebook. Boom, you have almost everyone in your friend lists email address. Search for your inbox sender and copy his email address. Lets say Nicolas email is nicolas@nicolas.com


Step 4: Head on over to http://emkei.cz/ This is a spoof email sender and can send an email to anyone as anyone. Where it says 'From name:' and 'From email:' put the senders email address. So it should look like

From name: nicolas@nicolas.com

From email: nicolas@nicolas.com


Step 5: Now you must find the receivers @facebook.com email to receive the fake email in their inbox. Head over to the receivers Facebook profile and click on about, and copy their @facebook.com email.

Lets say Piris @facebook.com email is piri.piris@facebook.com


Step 6: Go back to the email sender and where it says 'To:' add the Facebook email address.

To: piri.piris@facebook.com


Step 7: Do not write anything in 'Subject:' just go down to 'Text:' and add what ever you want to send to the person.

The page should look like:


From name: nicolas@nicolas.com

From email: nicolas@nicolas.com

To: piri.piris@facebook.com


Text: Hacked by Jesus


Now fill out the Captcha and click send.


Wallah, you have now sent an inbox from your friends account to your other friends account! You can also update statuses via this method by finding out what their upload email is, but that is for a different tutorial.


I will update this soon and add pictures.



EDIT: This may not work for people with @hotmail.com emails.


I've had a lot of requests for people asking me how to make a status on someone else's account:


To do this you must tell your target to go here  https://m.facebook.com/upload.php?_rdr

It will come up with an email the target can send to change their status but now you just have to convince them to give it to you!



Have fun people of MxC!

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