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Maxtor (Maxcheaters.com)


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Something i did when i was bored this morning..

I think its much better than the one we got now ;)


What you think?

(the shape, is made by me from scratch using the pen-tool)






On black background:




For maxtor, feel free to use it :P


Going to bed now, been late here  ::)

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Pretty good, but i dont understand the Evil face... i should be happy when i join here not scared xD.

More bad if i see it in night, because to be honestly im afraid of the dark :S

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Ehm nothing... But its just a gift for maxtor whats so wrong with it ?

Nothing wrong at all but a gift is nice to be used and this has nothing to do with the overall theme.

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its called maxCHEATERS , cheating = evil , its nice to have someone who can think further than other ppl ... ye its an evil laugh face really suitable for someone cheating .... When u play a card game and u cheat dont u get a freakin stupid evil laught ???

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its called maxCHEATERS , cheating = evil , its nice to have someone who can think further than other ppl ... ye its an evil laugh face really suitable for someone cheating .... When u play a card game and u cheat dont u get a freakin stupid evil laught ???

indeed!it's a smart choice this face...

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its called maxCHEATERS , cheating = evil , its nice to have someone who can think further than other ppl ... ye its an evil laugh face really suitable for someone cheating .... When u play a card game and u cheat dont u get a freakin stupid evil laught ???

Come on when someone comes here dont tell me that he'll think like that with the first view.

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its called maxCHEATERS , cheating = evil , its nice to have someone who can think further than other ppl ... ye its an evil laugh face really suitable for someone cheating .... When u play a card game and u cheat dont u get a freakin stupid evil laught ???

That was the overall reason why i took this face :D

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