Geia sas paidia exw ena provlhma stn server mou... loipon stous guard gia ta siege se merikous leei alles wres kai se allous leei alla..
se mena p.x Leei 28/5/2013 Time 16:0 se allous 29/5/13 Time 2:0 Ston idio guard...kai to siege 3ekinaei 2 h wra to vradu alla 3ekinae 6 to prwi...
ti mporw na kanw gia na alla3w to time tn siege na 3ekinane kanonika stn wra tous..mhpws prepei na alla3w thn ΩΡΑ apo to VPS? h na peira3w tpt apo DB?? :/
I present to your attention two options for the Hellbound location map
details in the archive
if you have larger effect files, you do not need to replace them
updates can be made behind the scenes, so if you catch a crit, post on the forum or download the archive, it may have already been fixed
additionally you can download
all la2 music from the latest version of the game 2025 download
the entire La2 ambisound from the latest version of the game 2025 download
Geia sas paidia exw ena provlhma stn server mou... loipon stous guard gia ta siege se merikous leei alles wres kai se allous leei alla..
se mena p.x Leei 28/5/2013 Time 16:0 se allous 29/5/13 Time 2:0 Ston idio guard...kai to siege 3ekinaei 2 h wra to vradu alla 3ekinae 6 to prwi...
ti mporw na kanw gia na alla3w to time tn siege na 3ekinane kanonika stn wra tous..mhpws prepei na alla3w thn ΩΡΑ apo to VPS? h na peira3w tpt apo DB?? :/
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