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I want to trade or sell one of the best assassins on nexus asmo side.

Unless u don't want to buy it, I am trading it only for a sorc!


I am to lazy to make screens for forum so here is a quick review of my gear:

-full 60 AP eternal accessory

-full 60 AP augment set +10

-60 AP augment sword & dagger both +15.


Your gear should be similar to mine, else i wont trade....but I can still sell it.


if u need screens or want to see my char ingame add me on skype : janej.rebel


-Full 60 AP jewels + kahruns for pve

-Full 60 AP Archon Commanders +10 full m.resist set

-Kahrun Tome +15 combined with Arena Full M.accuracy with Silence godstone

-Tiamat's Orb +10 with m.boost for PVE

-Kahrun set full m.boost for pve

-Account has goldpack for the next 2 years

1.5m current AP and 2m Ap to exchange so total 3.5m AP.

Mansion / 7 pets / 2 mounts and many more wich i forget right now...


List down yours cause i wont be giving all this for just a sin with good daggers/armor.

I am also selling the char with account if interested

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